Profile for dawntunny

Bio Details

Our photo

Joe, Dawn, Samantha, and Nick


You may have seen us out and about. We go for regular walks (nights in the summertime!) and try walk around the whole community.

Joe is a Tempe Firefighter, and is part of the Mountain and River Rescue team. Dawn is a stay-at-home Mom and keeps busy with organizing playgroups, helping prepare for Sunday School, and doing all of the running around, cleaning, etc. required when taking care of little ones at home. Samantha is a tomboy through and through and is 5. She starts Kindergarten in the Fall 2002. Nicholas is 2 1/2 and loves to antagonize his big sister. Actually, they do very well together, but kids are kids!

Neighborhood Playgroup

Dawn organizes our Greenfield Lakes playgroup. This gives the parents a chance to talk about issues involving their children (or just vent!) and gives the kids a chance to socialize and run off some energy. Please contact me if you are interested in joining us. We currently have 7 Moms and 14 children. We meet Wednesday mornings at 9:30 at various locations.

Email us:

Registered: 11/15/2000
Last login: 02/27/2005
Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
Activity on Neighborhood Link
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