Richfield Neighborhood Association

09-14-11 Meeting Minutes

Posted in: Westleigh
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  • darussell
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Las Vegas, NV
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                                                 Neighborhood Meeting


Westleigh Neighborhood Association


Vegas Verdes Elementary School


4000 El Parque Ave


                               Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 6:30 p.m.




-Welcome and Introductions

-National Preparedness Month

-Valley View Widening

-Crime Data




-Welcome and Introductions. Present: City Neighborhood Planner Anne Kilponen, President Shawn Spanier, Vice President Dan Connell, Secretary Dana Russell and 19 attendees

-September is National Preparedness Month. Prepare a kit with supplies for three months to include enough food and water for each person, prescription medicines, and glasses and don’t forget the pets. Ensure you have or copies of your important documents.

-City Council approved the Valley View Corridor widening project in their Sept 7th meeting to Las Vegas Paving Corporation

for about $25 million.??? It should start in about 30 days and last for 12 - 18 months.??? The final decision was to make 3 lanes northbound and 2 southbound.?????? The plan is to let us exit out of Mt View both directions.??? I don't believe any signal is planned there. They are not taking any properties for this project. It was asked about the possible increase in noise. If this does occur, a 6 foot sound wall will be asked to be constructed. Also, if traffic increases within the neighborhood, we’ll ask for another traffic study to be done.

-Crime Data- Anne mentioned a rise in service calls from Code, Metro and Rapid Response. There had been 7 burglaries, 2 stolen autos, 1 stolen RV, assault & battery, 276 graffiti calls and 39 for weeds and trash in the quarter from April - June.??? It was asked to instate the Neighborhood Watch program to get neighbors involved to combat these crimes and those caused by the foreclosure vacancies and its ramifications such as dead vegetation, stripping of copper and metal, vagrancy and the pilfering of the curb-side recycling. A sign-up sheet went around for new signatures. An email went out with Watch information. More at the Nov9th meeting.


Public Comments




Pilot recycling program was started in the McNeil Estates area. An attendee inquired about the Westleigh Neighborhood participating. A question that was asked of Bob Coyle of Republic Services and an email went out to Westleigh. Trash would have to go to the curb for the side-loading trucks which some of the neighbors aren’t ready to do. Hope to have Republic Service do a survey.




City Response to calls. How to get them to respond more effectively.




Seismic retrofitting the homes for earthquakes. City doesn’t have anyone but asked we look into a structural engineer with the Nevada Contractors Board and the Better Business Bureau




Ordinance Variance notifications sent to neighbors will be routed to the NA Secretary for a wider email distribution throughout the community.




Future Meetings

Neighborhood Watch at Nov 9th Meeting


-Make a Plan, Be Informed

-Crime View Map on 9/12/11 for past 60 days

-Crime Stoppers Information

-City of Las Vegas Phone Numbers




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