prophecy from washington

Posted in: Muscatine

I think Bill will be upset when he sees this if he isn't already.

What makes you think that Bill would be upset about this?

Because he didn't say it.   You can check it at under politics and the second or third entry for Bill Cosby.

It's like a lot of the Thomas Jefferson quotes you see.   Pick a famous person and attribute your thoughts to them to give your ideas some weight.   I think maybe half the people fall for it.   You're not alone.

Just because Bill did not utter those very words does not mean that he would "be upset". Frankly, it sounds a lot like something Bill would believe, even if he didn't say it.JMHO

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I think Bill will be upset when he sees this if he isn't already.

What makes you think that Bill would be upset about this?

Because he didn't say it.   You can check it at under politics and the second or third entry for Bill Cosby.

It's like a lot of the Thomas Jefferson quotes you see.   Pick a famous person and attribute your thoughts to them to give your ideas some weight.   I think maybe half the people fall for it.   You're not alone.

Just because Bill did not utter those very words does not mean that he would "be upset". Frankly, it sounds a lot like something Bill would believe, even if he didn't say it.JMHO

I don't think there is much that sounds anything like what Bill Cosby would say.   I think nearly anyone would be upset if people posted a bunch of malarky on the internet and attributed to them.   I know I would and I suspect you would.

"I think nearly anyone would be upset if people posted a bunch of malarky on the internet and attributed to them." That's funny- we read the malarky that you post all the time - and
WE are the ones that are upset by the malarky and you seem proud to post it as you continue to post malarky.

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There comes a time in the affairs of humankind when it
becomes necessary to throw off the yoke of tyranny which has insidiously
taken over the governments of the world. That moment has arrived, as
this still new millennium has ineluctably placed demands on We The
People to stand in our own truth and take back our power. Herein lies
the demands that We The People speak to power with indomitable
conviction and undeterrable resolve.

We The People of the USA inaugurate this
global civil enterprise through these uncompromising demands made
directly to the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of the
United States Federal Government. As but a single representative of the
world body politic, we implore the community of nations, and all
peoples everywhere, to undertake this same endeavor wherever the need
has become self evident.

We The People of these United States of America
(USA) do solemnly take back our rights, liberties and powers, which are
considered by all righteous governments to be inalienable, from an
unlawful and tyrannical US Federal Government that has wrongfully and
systematically encroached upon the inherent rights of its citizens.

We The People acknowledge the wrongful usurpation of
powers, as well as jurisdictional and legal necessities originally
possessed by the fifty Sovereign States of the USA. Through a
longstanding pattern of legislation of unconstitutional law, these
inherent powers have been unlawfully stripped from these Sovereign
States. Each State is now fully empowered to retain their original
sovereign status as established by the US Constitution.

We The People demand that the US Federal Government
immediately cease and desist from legislating, executing and
adjudicating all law which is not in strict compliance with natural law,
common law and constitutional law. Furthermore, we demand an
expeditious review of all US Federal Statutes in order to determine
their fitness in this regard.

We The People demand that the US Federal Government
immediately cease and desist from all illegal enforcement actions
against its citizens, as well as citizens of other nations, which are in
obvious contravention of international law, scriptural law, common law
and US constitutional law. Toward this end, we demand the immediate
closure of the extra-judicial detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, as
well as the Bagram Internment Facility and all others that operate
outside the rubric of both the US Criminal Law Code and Uniform Code of
Military Justice.

We The People demand an immediate and permanent
suspension of each and every law, statute and rule/regulation that is in
violation of divinely ordained human rights, civil rights, and
constitutional rights. Especially where these rights are violated in
the course of the repugnant state-sponsored administration of torture by
the US Federal Government and its proxies in “safe” national havens
around the world, we demand immediate termination of such inhumane and
unacceptable conduct.

We The People demand an immediate cessation to all
war-making activity around the world to include the illegal and
undeclared wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This demand also
includes the many wars being waged by proxy through covert agencies
(CIA), as well as by all corporate, mercenary entities such as Wackenhut
and Xe Services (Blackwater). The US Government will immediately end
the illegal and abhorrent practices of rendition, as well as the
extrajudicial killing of foreign citizens by drones and any other means
utilized in foreign lands.

We The People further demand that all economic and
financial warfare being waged against the perceived enemies of the USA
be permanently ended. The relentless manipulation of the
financial/economic markets of the world, to include equity, bond,
commodity, real estate, derivative and currency, must cease without
exception. Furthermore, the US Federal Reserve (privately owned,
international crime syndicate) must be placed in a temporary
receivorship, as its collection agency, the IRS, is dissolved and
reconstituted as a lawful revenue-collecting entity in order to carry on
the affairs of State.

We The People demand that the aerosol spraying of
chemtrails in our skies, fluoridation of our water supplies, and the
irradiation and chemical poisoning of our food be stopped. The EPA, FDA
and NIH will be re-chartered, as will all other agencies and
departments which have profoundly violated the public trust. The
critical Departments of Homeland Security, Treasury, Energy and Interior
will be subjected to an immediate review and reorganization in the
interest that the People will be served first, not the corpocracy which
has been unduly enriched for many decades.

We The People demand a planned and orderly
dissolution of the current US Federal Government. It has become
apparent to all citizens, that there has been a multi-decade and ongoing
pattern of conduct throughout the executive, legislative and judicial
branches of the US Government, which has been deemed to be in profound
and fundamental violation of both the Public Trust and Social
. Through this intractable behavior, the sacred and
inviolable Governing Documents of this once great nation have been left
in tatters. We aim to see them restored to their rightful place and,
over time, greatly improved upon to reflect the evolving realities and
emerging needs of a rapidly changing world.

We The People demand the planned election and
appointment of a law-abiding transitional US government, which will
assume the proper, timely and thorough administration of all duties and
responsibilities starting with strict compliance with the US
Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This transitional government shall
override all powers and perceived rights of governance which have been
unlawfully arrogated unto the US Corporation and executed through the
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).

Finally, We The People demand that a TRUTH
be established in order for the
suppressed truths regarding all matters of State that have taken place
without the People’s knowledge and consent, and which have unduly put
the American people at great risk and in substantial jeopardy, be given a
full airing within the body politic.

We The People have spoken, and we expect a
substantive response to these demands in the immediate future, whereupon
the appropriate re-establishment of this Constitutional Republic may
proceed forthwith. A national conference to discuss the RESTORE
will be convened as soon as possible.

May God Bless America.

Concerned Citizens of the Fifty Sovereign States

Declaration Issued on Independence Day, July 4, 2010

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