Northern Manor West Townhouse Association

Northern Manor West complainers and deadbeats

Posted in: Northern Manor W Townhouse
  • Stock
  • bxmarsh
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 2 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor

I for one am sick of the complainers and the deadbeats who do not pay their association fees, have the gall to ask where their dues go(duh, your're not paying any dues!), and then expect the assoc to fix everything at their unit and add new amenities for them. If everyone would pay their dues there would be money to run the property the way it should be run.  For those who do not pay dues, their water will start being restricted in about 3 weeks from the date of this post and will only come out in a trickle.  Not enough to flush the toilet, fill the bathtub, guess you better be buying lots of bottled water.  Those who do pay are sick and tired of carrying your dead weight, dead beat asses!  We just recently spent almost a million dollars on repairs due to hail damage and the people who live here and their kids are trashing it faster than we can fix it.  No one seems to take any pride and we are now at about 50% rentals.  Everyone leaves trash everywhere and are too lazy to even pick up flyers and phone books off of their front door steps. I'm amazed they haven't asked us to come in and wipe their butts for them, because they are probably too lazy to do that as well. They don't seem to care if our place looks like a ghetto when all it would take is a few seconds of their time to remove trash,or God forbid, not throw it down in the first place. Then we have the parents who when their kids are seen destroying plants and property like to say, kids will be kids. What baloney! There's kids having fun and playing, then there's kids just be destructive. The list is quite long of things the residents are doing that make our place look bad, but they just keep doing it, all the while complaining about how bad the place looks. Apparently a good portion of our residents cannot comprehend what they hear or read, because no matter how many times these issues are addressed in the newsletter, they just don't seem to get it.  If you want to live in a ghetto, please move your ass somewhere else! 


Do you have an HOA president as of March 18, 2017?

I want to get in touch with her because I want her to tell Northern Manor residents 

that the City of Glendale may consider getting rid of Glen Lakes Golf course in the next year? 

We want to spread the word in your condo complex. My team Save Glen Lakes is collecting signatures on petitions.

Please reply to me

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