BWCA Meeting

Posted in: Blendon Woods
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For a community to be whole and healthy, it must be based on people's love and concern for each other.

 Millard Fuller quotes

An email was sent to residents that were on a list of contacts in our community. All residents are invited to attend our Civic Association Meetings! I have not gotten any RSVP's but I did get a request to be taken off of the list of contacts.


At takes ALL residents to make a community spirit active. I was only trying to involve as many people that I had in the emails that were being circulated within our association about the thefts from autos.


This recent frequency of thefts has started a RARE communication among our residents and we decided to try to have a meeting while everyone was still concerned. This is the perfect moment to get together as a community.


WHO: ALL Residents, Area Representatives and Board Members
DATE: Monday July 26, 2010
TIME: 7pm
WHERE: Omlor's 4160 Boulder Dam
ABOUT: Thefts from autos, Snow plow issues, membership fees, membership drive

Please check our website for any updates or changes to this meeting date. Signs will be posted about the meeting as a reminder to everyone. Please come and communicate, share and be a part of our community!

Susan Nichols
BWCA Secretary
Website: Blendon Woods Civic Association
Phone: 614-476-5640   
Cell: 614-286-2227

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