Looking Ahead

Posted in: N Creek Village
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  • trudyl
  • Respected Neighbor
  • USA
  • 10 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Good afternoon!  Just got off the phone with Curry Management and the packets regarding our First Annual Meeting & Election of Directors is going out to all homeowners tomorrow.  Should you not receive a packet by the week's end, contact me and I will make sure you receive one.  I am very impressed and excited working with Curry; they are on our side and work for us not against us....a brand new start.  The meeting will be held at 7:00 pm which I hope will allow all homeowners to attend, however as always, should you not be able to attend I am positive one of the directors will be more than happy to meet with you and bring you up-to-date on the future of our HOA.  As always should you have questions, please give me a call or email me at northcreekvillage@kc.rr.com  .



Since when was the decision made to use Curry management? It was my understanding that this would be a group decision.  Aren't they a bit on the pricey side? Why is it that the decisions of the HOA for the entire neighborhood are made by a few?


Trudy, I have nothing against you, but you've got to understand that there are many of us in North Creek who do NOT want a HOA association, let alone one that costs over $1700 a year.  And while it's not personal, when you start expecting me to pay a monthly fee that the "elite few" decide is fair, it gets rather intrusive.


I suggest you take a step back and get the views of the entire neighborhood before you start setting up a HOA. Please don't take this as a personal attack, just frustrations with the HOA.

Do we have a choice of not having an HOA?  I assume not, since the bank would choose to keep one if we didn't.  Is the bank willing at all to keep it?  I would rather not have one, too, but figure our only choice at this point is to make the best of it.  But yes, I thought the decision was yet to be made about Curry?

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