Madison Park

Madison Park Nuisance Violations - absurd waste of tax dollars.

Posted in: Madison Park

I came across this conversation and find it embarassing and incredibly unprofessional.  Who is right and who is wrong is not the issue.  It is the way in which such things are being handled in a public forum both in the paper and on this blog that is upsetting to many of your neighbors.  Get into a spitting match somewhere else, in private.  

Text deleted by Website Moderator, 2013-08-21 17:53:26 -0600

When people choose to post in public then I answer that way.  Most of the time I don't know who they are anyway.  Unless someone ID's themselves, readers don't know from their user names who did the post most of the time.    I also don't know who they are either unless they have joined our web site.  They don't always live in Madison Park (such as the case of this one).   If it is sent in private to my e-mail, I respond that way.  People ask questions on here often, or for more info on a topic.  I also get tons of e-mails from residents and phone calls every day.


This though is discussion page.   I just want the facts to reflect the truth.  Thanks for your feedback. 


I will not allow someone to post untruths period and not respond.  I try to provide enough detail to provide anyone reading some background. 


I really believe this person just simply does not know how things work in most neighborhoods across the city.   Perhaps she really thinks I am a monster.  I am not. 


When reporters call you to ask questions they expect you to tell your side.  That is why I answer them.  You don't get to read the full story at the time of an interview.  You also don't know what bites they might or might choose to use in their stories.  I did not post the initial post on this topic, nor did I even know where this lady lived in Montclaire until just very recently.   2 weeks ago I learned after NNO.   This is a discussion page not a blog.   If you felt that way why didn't you send an e-mail in private, and not post on this page? I would of responded in private back to you. 


If you notice she made some direct accusations about me that were not true in both her post.  Maybe that is what she thinks, or was told by someone, but the fact is it is not true.   If I don't post the truth then people might believe the falsehoods.    I also don't censor the post EVER.  I have that option always including deleting post, making the page private to members only, or taking it down completely.  I like the discussion page as it gives people the opportunity to voice their opinions, and it is on this stie as a record of events.    I could censor a post as the administrator of this site.


Most online new stories, and sites allow feedback.  Really that is all this portion of our site is.   Pretty much post whatever you like on the site. 


I am sure the 62 people that received letters, including the 9 that were fined from last weeks sweep might come looking for info.  Now they know the facts.   It was a code sweep initiated by the inspector Jessica, and had nothing to do with me, or the HOA.  I am glad they are staying on the issue, but did not request they do the sweep last week.  I was asked to not enter anything that day I might see as it would cause duplicate work for the inspector.   


If people want to see the real facts go the and click on Quality of Life Study.  Those studies have come out every 2 years for a decade.

The data is from the last study that is currently online, but you see we are no higher than most on the West side or along the South Blvd neighborhoods.  Actually less compared to the large number of homes, and residents verses violations.  Also note NO two footprints are the same.  We are one of the largest if not the largest now.


area 132 is the new Montclaire footprint and has 458 people according to the Quality of LIfe study.   There were 95 violations July 2010 to June 2011.     280 housing units.  That is 1/3 of their homes in that section of Montclaire were tuned in from Wensley back down to Archdale in that little area.  Way more percent wise than we were that year. 


area 393 is the current Madison Park foot print now over to Archdale that overlaps parts of Montclaire and Starmount.   It had 549 violations July 2010 to June 2011  2925 Housing units.  Population 4919  A much lower percent of violations to the entire area than the current Montclaire footprint that year.   
280 house and 458 people living in it verse 393 our area with 2925 housing unites and 4919 people living in the foot print. 
Keep in mind if you ever driven behind Big Lots you could have hundreds of violations just off that one street in a year.  That is now in our data for Madison Park.  There are violation back there every single day. 
From the dashboard!  Talking about Neighborhood nusisances. This sheds some light on the current numbers in cases being reported for the area.  This focused effort (via sweeps by codes is the the reason).  They pick up everything in them.  It is not a bad thing.  It makes for a cleaner community.   This all printed way before we began are focus to knock down the violations in Madison Park.   People tend  to do what they see, before you know it things just explode.  

Why is this important?

The City of Charlotte's Health and Sanitation Ordinance requires property owners to maintain their premises in a safe and sanitary condition. Violations include high weeds/grass, accumulation of trash or junk, and junk automobiles. Tracking the types of calls assists neighborhood residents identify repeated problems and develop a strategy to identify solutions. Sudden increases in nuisance calls for service may also show signs of improvement in a community through focused enforcement efforts.


Use the dashboard from the Quality of Life study to discover more than 80 varibles about where you live.  

Charlotte, North Carolina