Madison Park

pet waste receptacles

Posted in: Madison Park


I've seen the pet waste receptacles in other neighborhoods-


Do you know how they got these? Private or public funds?  Who picks up pet waste? residents or City of Charlotte?

They might of done some type grant to obtain them, but they are maintained with private funds.    Storm Water services did something with Selwyn Park.   The water department has been out several times to meetings in Madison Park over the years,  and will tell you how bad it is to let waste get into the water system.  


We did add a station at Madison Central Park that was actually against the wishes of CMS.   We are going through hundreds of bags now at our cost.


We, and I should say the Means - Don and JoAnn are solely taking care of keeping the trash can emptied and the bags ordered and filled.  The HOA foots the bill.    One of the neighbors had offered to help keep the can emptied on Seneca Place and collected money for a trash can, however he moved to Florida after the install.


Even with a grant there would be a cost factor, maintainence issue, and placement issues of the stations. 


I have seen a few stands that some of our neighbors installed in front of their homes.  


The reason we put the station at MCP was due to complaints from Pinewood with poop and students.  The intentions of that station was for emergencies at the Park.   Hoping a person would clean up after their pet.   Due to the numbers of bags having to be restocked it appears some are using the station as their personal free supply of bags.  I have seen people stop and take hands full of the bags and leave the park when I have been over at the Rose Garden.      


So stations are good,  but a lot of issues come with them.


It would be great if people carried their own bag supplies they purchased and clean up when their dogs go to the bathroom.


Most of us that walk dogs do it for a block or 2 at most.   The deodorized bags help keep the smell down, but you can't completely keep the odor out of your trash cans I have found. 


Some of the more high end communites probably have a service take care of their stations.    I have seen Poop removal companies in our neighborhood that come clean your yards. 




Charlotte, North Carolina