Madison Park

Break In on Faircrest 2/16/12

Posted in: Madison Park

We learned of another break in today in Madison Park.

Someone entered the rear of a home while the owner was away.


Please be on the look out for auto's that don't belong and strange people in the neighborhood.  Don't hesitate to call 911 and report if you see something odd.  Better Safe than Sorry. 


If you know a car does not belong at your neighbors home and your neighbor is a work or away and you see someone call 911. 


Neighbors let your immediate neighbors know if you are expecting company or a worker.




Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department

Westover Division









January 17, 2012


Westover Division officers are currently conducting investigations into several recent residential burglaries that took place in the Madison Park and Starmount neighborhoods, which are located in southwest Charlotte. 


These residential burglaries are believed to have taken place during day time hours, mid-week.  Unknown suspects gained entry into the residences by forcing open rear or side door entrances.  Large items such as televisions, electronics, and other miscellaneous items were taken during the thefts.  It is believed the suspect(s) had a vehicle they were using to haul away the stolen items. 


Westover division officers are asking for your help!  Please take every measure to secure your home.  Call 911 the moment you see a suspicious person and/or vehicle in your neighborhood. Do not hesitate to call.  Reach out to your neighbors who you know are home during the work day and request they keep watch for suspicious activity.  You know who does and does not belong in your neighborhood.  Remain vigilant, trust your instincts, and utilize the 911 system.


On the back of this flyer is a form to record your valuables. Form is on our web site.  It is imperative that you have a record of your serial numbers.  Police encounter suspects in possession of stolen property daily but cannot prove the property stolen without proper records.  Many cases go unsolved or suspects go free because police cannot verify without doubt that an item is stolen. 


If you have any additional information that would aid in an investigation please call the Westover Division team office at 704.432.2442. You may also e-mail our Burglary Detective Katie Havens at, or Lieutenant Jacquelyn Hulsey at    

Things to be alert for in the neighborhood.  This was shared by a resident today.


    Someone running from a car or home.
.    Someone screaming. If you cannot determine what the screams are, call the police at 911 and report it.
.    Someone going door-to-door in the neighborhood or looking into windows and parked cars.
.    Someone asking about past residents.
.    A person who seems to have no purpose wandering in the neighborhood.
.    Any unusual or suspicious noise that you cannot explain, such as breaking glass or pounding.
.    Vehicles moving slowly, without lights, or with no apparent destination.
.    Business transactions conducted from a vehicle. This could involve the sale of drugs or stolen goods.
.    Offers of merchandise at ridiculously low prices. It is probably stolen property.
.    Property carried by someone on foot at an unusual hour or place especially if the person is running.
.    Property being removed from closed businesses or unoccupied residences.
.    A stranger entering a neighbor's home that appears to be unoccupied.
.    A stranger in a car stopping to beckon to a child.
.    A child resisting the advances of an adult.

All good reasons to call 911 and report. 


  Tell if the crime is in progress or if it has already occurred.
.    Describe the suspect: sex, race, age, height, weight, hair color and length, clothing, beard or mustache, and distinctive characteristics.
.    Describe the vehicle involved: color, make, model, year, license plate, special markings, dents, and which direction they went


Also today with so many with digital phones and cameras snap a picture if you can of the person especially if you can do this without being noticed.


Remember if somone knocks on door, bangs on door, or rings door bell make sure you make some type of noise to let them know you are home.   You don't have to open the door but let them know someone is in the home.

I have had  two people tell me today they have had males come to their doors.  One the front door and another lady to her back door.   At one house the lady told the person her baby was to asleep.  He left on foot and did not stop at any other houses.  She also noted he had no uniform on and left no materials or business cards.   She also noted he was very tall and was looking in the glass portion of her front door. 


The second  person said a young male came to  her back door and was asking if she wanted to sell a car.  She said he left in a car.   There was no 4 sell sign on the car he was asking about.  This same person tells me 3 officers showed up at her house at night asking if everthing was ok stating someone had called 911 and told them they saw someone walking around her back yard with flashlights. She was not aware and had not called 911.


These are two examples of where the residents should of called 911.   This is the type of activity that the police are asking us to call in to 911 so they can check out the person(s).


You don't have to even talk the police officer that comes out.  911 operators will ask if you wish to speak to the officer when you call something in.   If you don't just say no. 

Charlotte, North Carolina