
Below is a text copy of an email we are trying to distribute to try and get registrants to the SAVE Summit. Registration is very low and slow. PLEASE send this out to any and every contact you have at schools and any other youth-serving organizations. Thanks so much for your help!

The 2009 National SAVE Youth Summit is coming to Charlotte, NC! This year is quite special as we celebrate 20 years of young people working through SAVE to aid in safer schools and communities. The National SAVE Summit will be held at West Charlotte High School, in Charlotte, NC where SAVE was born out of the tragic loss of student, Alex Orange at the hand of violence. The event will be held on Saturday, October 17, 2009 and WE NEED YOUTH, ADULTS & LAW ENFORCEMENT FROM ALL CHARLOTTE-MECK SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITIES PRESENT from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. The Summit is where young people from across the nation can attend a conference where they can share ideas through youth and agency-led workshops, visit exhibits and become empowered to be agents of change in the schools and communities against violence.

With these difficult economic times, registration for this special event has been slow, yet crime and violence is rising. That is why we are offering an all-time special conference rate ONLY FOR CHARLOTTE-AREA PARTICIPANTS OF $10 PER PERSON (Youth & Adults). This includes admission, speakers, workshops, lunch, conference t-shirt and free resource information.

Workshops offered will address areas in: crime prevention, bullying prevention, suicide prevention, dating/relationship violence, preventing prescription drug abuse and more Thought-provoking speakers, great entertainment and networking will all be available!

Please visit http://www.nationalsave.org/main/summit.php where you can find SAVE Summit registration information. Also whether you're able to attend or not, we ask that you forward this information to contacts in your area that serve youth.

You can also send people to our Facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/event.php?eid=140124688224&ref=ts and on MySpace at: http://www.myspace.com/nationalsave

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you at the Summit!