9/16/06 Park Rd Park Fall Picnic

Aug 25, 2006
Fall Picnic 9/16/06 Park Rd Park Aug 25, 2006 Madison Park invites everyone that lives in Madison Park to come out to Park Road Park Picnic Shelter #1 on Saturday Sept. 16, at NOON for a fun afternoon. We will be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers this year. Those that attend are requested to bring their favorite picnic side dish or a dessert. Donations of $1.00 will be requested to help cover cost of buns, toppings, meat and drinks, but not required! Come out and have some fun with your neighbors at this annual Madison Park event. Driving from Tyvola Road make Right on Park Road. Take the first entrance into Park Road Park and then the immediate left. This location is great for our picnic. The shelters are nice. They have built in grills and running water. They provide us with plenty of picnic tables and benches. Mark Your calendars NOW and plan on attending this annaul event!
-By Madison Park HOA Board, Martydoss@aol.com