Liberty Chase Watch


Posted in: Liberty Chase Watch
  • Stock
  • AngieM
  • Respected Neighbor
  • USA
  • 8 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Remember to come out Saturday Dec 17, 2pm at the playground for our emergency neighborhood watch meeting. We apologize for the short notice but with all of the recent activity we thought it be best to get together to discuss concerns, ideas and communication details sooner than later. We will be needing someone to head up the watch as well. I have one volunteer, maybe 2. So if you are interested please speak up at the meeting. 

For those of you who are new to the community, I am sorry for your traumatizing welcome to the area. This subdivision is a nice subdivision, with a lot of caring families who only want the best. Unfortunately we are being tagged for some reason, maybe it's the holidays, maybe it's the construction workers..etc who knows but we can all work together to beat this. I have lived here for over 4 years, I was the first house out here back when it was all one big field. I have seen every house built and met almost every family. I have witnessed this community come together when needed and I think it's pretty awesome! This recent craziness has scared me, as it should, but I feel safe here because I know I have great neighbors, we watch out for each other, not because we have to but because we want to. If anyone ever needs anything let me know or any of the HOA Board members or even your fellow neighbors. That is what we are here for. See you Saturday!

HI Angie,

I would appreciate if you can email me or give me a call to put us up to date with current activities going on in the far as HOA Meetings and stuff going on within the neighborhood.

I look forward to hearing from you!


I am getting ready to move into the neighborhood next month closing on my house this month.  I don't know what has happened.  If you could fill me in that would be greatly appreciated.  Also I would of course be more than willing to help out anyway that I can once I am there permanetly.  Anthony

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