Forest Pond HOA

Our HOA Fees Hard at work..Are you kidding me?

Posted in: Forest Pond
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  • ppatton
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Below is the email my husband and I sent to the board of HOA of Forest Pond:

I know others on Planters Wood feel the same way we do.We have lived here 9 years now and nomraly I dont waste my time on things like this but just could not let this one go...



Good Evening,
We came home to letter today from someone on the board stating that we were not in compliance with our parking rules due to:  Our car was parked across the street from our home (and moved into driveway during inspection-which wasn't the case as no one was coming down the street when the car was moved). First of all, whoever had this letter sent had no idea why the car was parked across the street. Perhaps we were cutting our grass and wanted to blow the grass off the drive way or maybe we let our kids draw with chalk on the driveway. Regardless, certain busy bodies on our street, who shall remain nameless, have nothing better to do with their time. I suggest that you guys as a HOA speak to whoever requested that this letter to be sent and clarify the parking rules as this type of vindictive, ugly, and childish behavior is not the purpose of our HOA.   
I called and spoke with Roger Huntley because of course who ever sent this to us didn't put their name on it and why would you?  You should be proud of yourself for sending a letter like this.  In speaking with Roger he stated you are ALLOWED to park on the street during the day and that it is during the evening that we should be parked in the driveway.   We all have visitors that park in the street during the day and even over night.  This stupidity would be the equivalent of me sending all my neighbors a letter because they had graduation parties this weekend and there were cars parked up and down the street for the party.  Did you guys send letters to them as well? I doubt it. Which further illustrates that this was a personal attack on us by this evil and vile neighbor on our block who thinks they run the community.
I really can not believe that there is someone who has the time to send us a letter like this.  You can send me a letter to tell me that we parked our car across the street, but can not get the lawn mowing company to cut the grass in the common area behind our home that grows FEET at a time before anyone will cut it.  I pay almost $200 a year in dues and someone can send me a letter about PUBLIC parking in a street but can't HAVE SOMEONE TO CUT THE GRASS where snakes and god knows whatever else out there that can hurt my children.
I would like to say thank you for knowing that my $200 that I work hard for goes to great things like this.
P.S.... We plan on posting this example of our HOA dollars hard at work on the Forest Pond web site. 
Have a lovely evening!
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  • carlot
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I do not live in your neighborhood, but I am having the same problem. However, I am on the opposite side of the problem and would like to write this so you can understand the other side.


You see, my neighbors always park across the street in front of my house (instead of their house) while there is plenty of room on their drive way. Every day, the front on my house looks like a used car parking lot while their front yard looks nice and clean. The car is in the way when I mow my lawn, put my trash can out.  There are times that my trash or my mails did not get picked up because of cars on the street in front of my house.


No, I do not mind at all if their drive way is full, or they have visitors, ... In fact, I would even offer my drive way for them to park during such occasions.


What I would like to beg for is: please don not put dirt on my face so your face can be clean.  Frown





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  • MollyCruz
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I know, its sad.  I got my first letter the other week because of my grass.  I was really waiting to get some rain because my grass was distressed enough and I didn't want to harm it.  It wasn't horrible by any means, and here I get a letter about my yard.  Thanks HOA!  That did a lot of good.  Like your letter MADE me cut my grass.  All I did is put your letter in the recycle bin and wait for the rain.

First, I think a neighborhood is only as strong as the homeowners that live in it.  Rather than complaining, I think homeowners like this one should become actively involved in making the neighborhood better through participation.  Having lived in Forest Pond for 12+ years, there are homeowners that are always willing to give criticism, but are never  prepared to take it.  The neighborhood has an overall parking issue, but on Planters Wood there is a particularly one house (luckily the occupants have sold their home and are due to move out) where ALL  guests park on the street - including both day and evening hours without any regard for children playing in the area, emergency access, etc.  As a homeowner, YOU made the decision and investment to move into a convenant-controlled and restricted subdivision that was established long before you moved in (see footnote) - bottom accountable to operate within guidelines that YOU signed up for.  According to you, if "Roger stated you are ALLOWED to park on the street during the day and that it is during the evening that [you] should be parked in the driveway", then I guess the city ordinance is incorrect as well as the same covenants you signed up for (neither of which stipulates that it's okay to park on the street day or not).  Get involved...sitting on the porch "working hard" to figure out ways to complain and/or justify how you should break the rules because someone is or has is truly a waste of time and is immature. I'm sure your neighbors would like to uphold their property values too!!!


The By-Laws on the Forest Pond Homeonwers' Association were established on 11 December 1995 and the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Posted on 11 January 1996.

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