Elvira Neighborhood Association

Sep 15, 2014 Approved Minutes

Elvira Neighborhood Association Meeting 9/15/14


 Officers Present:         David Densmore, President     

                                      Mikki Niemi, Vice President; Interim Treasurer  

                                      Tere Filkin, Secretary; Councilperson        

                                       Dorothy Niemi, Historian                                                                                  

                                       Oscar Tortosa, Sgt at Arms; Councilperson

Guest Speakers:  No guest speakers

 Call to Order:  President David Densmore called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

Moment of Silence

Introductions were made around the room

TPD Report: Crime is low in the Elvira area even though more crime was reported in the around our neighborhood.  Sgt Joe Merrill explained how Red Tags work and stated the Police Ride Along Program is available to anyone who would like to participate, call him at the Santa Cruz Substation for more information.

Minutes:  Motion to accept the July 2014 minutes with the addition Mikki Niemi asked for was made by Mikki Niemi, seconded by Oscar Tortosa.  Motion was passed by all present.  Motion to accept the Aug 2014 minutes as written made by Oscar Tortosa and seconded by Mikki Niemi, and was approved by all present.

Treasurers Report:  Treasurer Mikki Niemi reported $1810.21 in the ENA bank account after paying $150.00 for the automated calls. Motion to accept the treasurer's report made by Oscar Tortosa, and Tere Filkin seconded.   Motion was passed by all present.  Mikki also stated he received a letter from the IRS to update our 501C information to keep our status current.

Old Business:      A) Street Lights/Parks--Mikki Niemi presented a map showing where street lights are in the neighborhood and the proposed lots for possible pocket parks along Pinta.  Dave suggested the first step should be gaining neighbors support in the immediate area.  Also, find out more info on the lots from ADOT.

B) By-Laws--Mikki hasn't been able to complete the printing of the by-laws due to other priority duties of the Treasurer. 

C) Night Out Celebration--members discussed what is needed and will meet again a week before the event to assure everything is coordinated.  Also mentioned was the need to rotate d grill duties so no one person is doing all of the cooking.

New Business:            

A) Clean Up of the area around the Walking Path by Salpointe High School will occur on Oct 1-3, anyone wishing to help, please contact Dave.  There could be as many as 100 students participating in the clean up.

Call to the Audience:  

 A)  Mikki said the area along Pinta Ave had been cleaned by someone but the bags need to be picked up.   Dave stated the clean-up along Pinta is done once or twice a year by a local group who should also pickup the bags.

B) Eddie Islas, Principal at Santa Clara Elementary School said school is busy and they are looking to hire a crossing guard. Eddie also thanked Buck Crouch's rotary group for providing dictionaries to the 3rd grade students at the school.

C)  Buck Crouch, Sunnyside School District Board member was present informing everyone that the district meetings will be broadcasted live on the District website.  They'll also have webinars prior to meetings, to provide detailed information of items listed on their agendas.

President's report:  Dave asked members to consider volunteering to be an Officer or Council member, reminding everyone elections will be held in Jan 2015.

Adjournment:  Motion to adjourn was made by Oscar Tortosa, seconded by Rachel Tortosa.   Motion was passed by all present.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.

 Oscar Tortosa, seconded by Rachel Tortosa.   Motion was passed by all present.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m.

Elvira Neighborhood Association website http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/Elvira




Posted by dave densmore on 09/19/2014
Last updated on 11/03/2014
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