Elvira Neighborhood Association


ELVIRA NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Meeting:     December 12, 2011

- Meeting was called to order by David Densmore at7:05PM. Roll call by Margie Mortimer.

- Motion made/passed to approve November minutes: 1st - David Barfuss, 2nd - Butch Wright

- Motion made/passed to approve Treasurer’s Report; $2,292.63, 1st - Mona Silvas, 2nd - Tere Filkin

- Circle K:  There were no representatives present. David Densmore did not know why they didn’t show up.

- Margie Mortimer talked about prevention provider’s community survey being done citywide in order to get data of the wants/needs of communities. The community survey was passed out for attendees to fill out anonymously; they will be returned to CPSA.

- Watershed Management Group project at Santa Clara Elementary was completed on Dec. 3. Principal Eddie Yslas thanked everyone who was involved in the project.

- TPD: New Commander for Operations Southside Cpt. Ramon Bautista introduced Sgt. J. Merrill, C. Wildblood, and D. Lewis. An extensive talk was given by TPD officers. Issues discussed were as follows: Cpt. Bautista reported a homicide on CalleCastilesame evening as neighborhood meeting; deceased male, late 20’s; not sure if gang, drug tie. Continued issues at Circle K stores with shoplifting, beer skips. He asked if we have talked to Circle K about liquor concerns, problems.GPCdoing graffiti sweeps on a month-to-month basis. Concerns brought up by neighbors: kids up and down streets and tagging; are potholes being reported by officers; vacant houses; how many officers on patrol; use of social media to report crimes; the OCCUPY folk moving?; neighborhood watch training; parents not involved with their kids; curfews, prevention programs; gang unit training. Sgt. J. Merrill spoke about getting crime stats online at TPD website. Can findUCRcodes online; gave example ofUCRcode description of commercial house robbery at Circle K, Quik Mart. Graffiti can be reported on website. If kids actually caught in the act of graffiti; officers will come out to check. Margie Mortimer stated that TPD website is linked to ENA website. Sgt. Merrilll advised not to confront kids in the act of tagging; it’s dangerous. Some parents will deny that their child is involved in crime. School liaisons have been taken away; schools could probably take a little bit more of a stance but neighbors need to talk to schools. There are gang problems; activities the same; the violence has gone up. Get to know your neighbors. Call when neighbors see something.

- OTHER: Pastor Jimmy Nelson announced that Market on the Move is back; working to have twice a month atHopeMethodistChurch; Sidewalk Sunday school celebration on Monday, Dec. 19,1 - 3PM; songs, movie, 100+ kids receiving Christmas presents, will raffle off gift cards. All welcomed! David Densmore stated that elections are next month. Also, there’s still some WMG monies left for another project.

- Motion made to adjourn at 8:  PM: 1st - Joe Root, 2nd - Tere Filkin.

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ELVIRA NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Meeting:     November 14, 2011

 - Meeting was called to order by David Densmore at7:03PM. Roll call by Margie Mortimer.

 - There was no TPD report at this meeting.

 - Motion made/passed to approve October minutes: 1st - David Barfuss, 2nd - Laney Drenske.

 - David Densmore stated he received a letter from Laura Dent, Ward 1, that a 4-way stop sign was asked for at the intersection of 12th/Medina. A study was done; analysis shows no changes need be done per City ofTucson Transportation Dept. Question was brought up again about a possible turning lane onValencia; nothing has been about it.

 - Motion made/passed to approve Treasurer’s Report; $2,292.63, 1st - Joe Root, 2nd - Tere Filkin.

 - Fernando Molina, Tucson Water Public Information Officer: Mr. Molina gave an extensive talk on the different contaminants 1,4 dioxanne and TCE having been found in the water, how it is being dealt with, health advisory, future plans. He also offered to give a tour of water plant; with ample notice.

 - Rich Kessler talked of the Unified Community Advisory Board quarterly meeting (January 2012). Also, asked if anyone was interested about a US Air Force Tarp Plant tour. Maybe Nacho Gomez can come give a talk at next ENA meeting.

 - OTHER: David Barfuss asked about work still needing to be done at Los Reales/12th Ave. Clarissa Carranza mentioned that Gary Wittwer and Pedro ?, after first storm, had that area scraped out. David Densmore talked about Rosemont Copper,ProsecutionAcademy and about Cpt. Bautista, the new commander at TPD Santa Cruz substation. Malena Barajas spoke about Richard Elias’ op-ed on Rosemont Copper and public hearing, bond and over-ride election

 - Motion made to adjourn at 8:36PM: 1st - Joe Root, 2nd - Tere Filkin 

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 - Meeting was called to order by Rich Kessler at7:07PM. Roll call by Margie Mortimer. Officers in attendance: Rich Kessler, Abel Salcido, Carole Maluf, Margie Mortimer. Absent - David Densmore (excused), Mikki and Dorothy Niemi (unexcused).

 - There was no written agenda for meeting.

 - There was no TPD report at this meeting.

 - Motion made/passed to approve September minutes: 1st - Joe Root, 2nd - Butch Wright.

 - Motion made/passed to approve Treasurer’s Reprt; $2,292.63, 1st - Butch Wright, 2nd - Joe Root.

 - Richard Elias, Pima County Supervisor Dist. 5 discussed the following:

PimaCountyredistricting change taking place; R. Elias will be representing all of Elvira. Will not see change until after 2012 election, but will represent Elvira when legislative map is approved. $1.3 BIL budget approved; spend less than $4 Mil a day. Since 2008, county has lost about 1,000 employees to attrition, retirement; have not replaced in many cases.Enterprisedepartments affected more severely; they have to earn their money (as in fees) that pays for their salaries. Replacing sheriff deputies, probation officers. About 60% spent on public safety. Working on reducing amount of kids in juvenile detention; in juvenile detention 3 yrs.-ago: 168 kids; 3 weeks-ago: 68 kids; a lot diverted to behavior health alternative programs. Budget down about $200 mil in last 2 yrs. due to reduction in ALTEX and ACHHS contracts the county no longer has. La Posada del Sol has become privatized. Extensive discussion with attendees about tax monies; how much, where it goes, etc. State using PROP 203 for kids. R. Elias was asked about getting help to fix flooding problem at North end of Hope Church and along same street West to Pinta at I-19; R. Elias can’t see something being done about it right away. Lewis Koss stated that some projects not done right; is having to be done over and over. R. Elias recognized park plans getting started on.  A. Salcido asked what can be done about 4 vacant lots on Pinta. R. Elias talked about maybe a pocket park; need to check into it. Mona Silva reported vandalism at El Pueblo Center garden; what can be done? R. Elias will check with Richard Baker about it. Mona also voiced concerns about potholes, need sidewalks for East Elvira; R. Elias told Mona to talk to Malena Barajas about it.

- OTHER: Laura Dent, Ward 1 representative: Neighbors affected by flooding (along CalleMedina/Pinta) afterlast storm signed a petition to have something done with the flooding problems there. Neighbors have beenvery frustrated with nothing in the past getting done about the issue. Meeting to be set-up through Ward 1 officeto discuss with those neighbors the situation. Eddie Islas stated that 20 volunteers are needed for upcoming WMG project at Santa Clara Elementary, Dec 3.

- Motion made to adjourn at 8:15PM: 1st - Joe Root, 2nd - Butch Wright. 

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ELVIRA NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Meeting:     September 12, 2011

- Meeting was called to order by David Densmore at7:08PM. Roll call by Margie Mortimer. Officers in attendance: David Densmore, Rich Kessler, Abel Salcido, Mikki Niemi, Dorothy Niemi, Margie Mortimer. Absent (excused) - Carole Maluf.

- There was no TPD report at this meeting.

- Motion made/passed to approve minutes: 1st - Joe Root, 2nd - Ann Marie Ventura.

- Motion made/passed to approve Treasurer’s Report;$2,292.63; check - $10.00; AZ Corporation Commission: 1st - Joe Root, 2nd - Tere Filkin.

- National Night Out: D. Densmore announced that Joe Root was honored. M. Niemi has NNO 2011 pictures.

-  Richard Elias, Pima County Supervisor; was not present; will come next month. D. Densmore stated that we’ll have to wait some more time for additional speed bumps along Santa Clara/W Elvira; in addition to two already onSanta Clara.

- Dorothy Niemi, ENA Historian: Gave a very interesting slideshow presentation on the community called Los Reales based on 1874 map. Dorothy also presented information about the Los Reales graveyard.

- Call to the Public: Eddie Islas spoke about WMG project at Santa Clara Elementary; he stated Dec. 3 would work well for the school. D. Densmore said ENA project group will meet later to decide on date. R. Kessler and M. Mortimer stated that in email received WMG needs to know decision by Fri., Sept. 18. Tory Syracuse (WMG) and Alex Gallegos (SUSD) met at Santa Clarato discuss the project. M. Mortimer stated that St. Monica Health Ministry has put in for a Communities Putting Prevention to Work grant for a garden; San Miguel High School and St. Monica are collaborating on project. Pastor Jimmy Nelson announced the annual Pastors’ Spaghetti Dinner on Sept. 30, 4-8PMor until spaghetti is gone; Hope Church partnering with DesertSkyCommunityChurch. In October will have a Pumpkin Patch, in November the Growers’ Market and also starting young adult’s worship; and working with a medical team to come. Jason Rigert spoke about Academy del Sol Charter School; located on Hope Church grounds. Lewis Koss asked again about the status of bus transportation in our neighborhood. On S. 6th Ave. across from Challenger Middle School, water draining from 1½ inch pipe; even when it is not raining. David Barfuss talked about Accountability Sessions, St. Cyril, Sept. 24,2-5PM, Sept. 25; 1-5PM. D. Densmore stated he received an email from Gary Wittwer (C.O.T.) about being attentive to Walking Path plantings. D. Densmore stated a clean-up is needed there. Clarissa Caranza asked about status of street lights. It was stated poles are starting to come in. Rich Kessler working on newsletter; send inserts to Rich; the newsletter will be looked over by all the ENA officers before it goes out for mailing.

- Motion made to adjourn at7:44PM: 1st - Tere Filkin, 2nd - Joe Root

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 - Meeting was called to order by David Densmore at 7:07PM. Roll call by Margie Mortimer.

    Officers in attendance: David Densmore, Rich Kessler, Carole Maluf, Mikki Niemi, Margie Mortimer.

 - There was no TPD report at this meeting.

 - Motion made/passed to approve minutes: 1st - Clarissa Carranza, 2nd - Ann Marie Ventura.

 - Motion made/passed to approve Treasurer’s Report; $2,080.62:1st - Joe Root, 2nd - Tere Filkin.

 - Jesse Soto, Street Light Project Update: LEED lights will be used. City of Tucson crew will be going to 120 homes and checking sewer lines. Forty-seven lights    are being put in.

 - National Night Out Committee has met; discussed about money. Please call Rich Kessler or David Densmore if you want to volunteer to help. Mikki Niemi stated about maybe getting hot dog buns from Alejandro’s.

 -  Watershed Management Project: David Densmore talked about doing the project at the Santa Clara Elementary School. Question answered: The project will only entail Santa Clara Elementary School.

 - Call to the Public: Malena Barajas and Rich Kessler talked about the Redistricting Commission and mapping. If redistricting is approved Elvira neighborhood would be consolidated under one supervisor. Redistricting is based on 2010 Census data. Richard Kessler announced that he is running for Mayor of Tucson as a write-in candidate. David Densmore, Rich Kessler, Margie Mortimer and Jenny Lehjuvuhold (Drachman Instittue) met on July 5 with Pima County Supervisor Richard Elias, Chuck Huckleberry and Malena Barajas for a discussion on a potential park using vacant lots located on Elvira Rd. Malena Barajas announced the Community Park Open House at Challenger Middle School on July 19, 6 - 7PM. Please attend. Environmental Protection Agency retained the United States Coast Guard to conduct the soil sampling on the vacant lots belonging to Sunnyside Unified School District and Pima County. Soil sampling tested negative for contamination. Margie Mortimer reported the next Unified Community Advisory Board meeting is July 20, 2011, 5:45PM at the El Pueblo Neighborhood Activity Center Multi-Purpose Room. Update on TCE, 1,4 Dioxane; Tucson Water planning stage to build a new water treatment plant for the 1,4 Dioxane. All are invited to attend. No August ENA meeting.

 - Motion made to adjourn at 7:47PM: 1st - Tere Filkin, 2nd - Joe Root

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- David Densmore started meeting at7:06PM wirh roll call . Officers in attendance: David Densmore, Mikki Niemi, Margie Mortimer. 

- Discussion held about concerns and voiced to Laura Dent, Ward 1 representative:  Bus traffic up Corona; possible to put in a bus stop onSanta Clara; bus stop on San Fernando doesn’t have a trash can.

 - Leona Davis, Community Food Bank: Leona talked about the many programs CFB  currently has. She talked about the Southside Farm onCottonwood Lane (south ofSilverlake Rd); passed out a flyer. The farm will have drip irrigation; CFB will be paying for the water. It will be secured by fence and CFB will work with surrounding community on partnering to help take care of the farm. All were invited to use farm plot(s).

 - Discussion on National Night Out 2011. Pastor Jimmy Nelson asked for date of NNO; Tues., Aug. 2. It was brought up that there was no vote taken to have NNO in August or  in October along with otherTucson neighborhoods.

 - Motion to adjourn at 7:45PM- 1st - David Barfus, 2nd - Joe Root.


Posted by elvira85706 on 11/05/2009
Last updated on 01/15/2012
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