Well, here it is, West University Neighborhood's first official web site!
You'll notice it's a fairly basic site, with few bells and whistles - or heavy advertizing. We set it up through a service called Neighborhood Link, which establishes And supports FREE web sites for neighborhoods all over the country, sponsored by local corporations. In our case, the local sponsor is AT&T. Aside from their banner at the top of the page, however, there is no connection between the sponsor and WUNA's content.
The site also provides you a forum to share information and ideas, ask questions, or offer to volunteer for something
Please take a moment to cruise around the site and see the various items we need to complete. These include WUNA information and history, announcements of upcoming events, and all sorts of other neat things. The site also contain useful links to local government and other services WUNA members and other site visitors may find helpful. Your suggestions here are also needed.
For the time being, I'll serve as your fearless leader on the project, with access to add and edit; anyone else who wants to help with writing and editing is more than welcome. Let's talk.
I'm looking forward to working with you as we develop the WUNA web site into a useful communication tool for the entire community.