Passages School Opens Fall 2001

Posted in: Sunnyside-Greenview
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Status Update...Alderman Meeting

So what is happening with this? Are you planning on following up with the
group that provided the traffic study or with the Alderman?’s office or
other? Do we want to do a petition to send a stronger message back? Are
you waiting for answers to come back from the group or Alderman?’s office?
Or were you just distributing information that you recieved?
Waiting for Alderman Meeting

I?’m waiting to hear from the Alderman?’s office for a meeting.

A traffic study has been requested from IDOT, but it?’s up to the State of IL as to when it will be done (because Montrose is considered a state route, I guess).

We can pretty much forget about the stoplight and stopsign at Greenview, because of the closeness of the lights at Clark and Ashland. I think our only hope will be a pedestrian-controlled stop signal, better signs and clearly marked crosswalks.

By the way, we are getting a crosswalk on Greenview at Wilson (Walgreens) sometime before the snow falls (per Ald. Schulter). A far as traffic on Greenview is concerned, each option to control speed will have pluses and minuses. Such as: speed humps (noise), one-way street (people tend to drive faster, no oncoming cars), round- about at Sunnyside (lots of people don?’t know how to ust them, and cut into oncoming traffic).

These are all things we should about talk with Alderman Schulter, when we meet with him.

By Steve Bensinger
Web Site & Contact Information

Several of you have written in regards to obtaining information about Passages Charter School, which begins in September at their new location at1447 W. Montrose.

I am passing along their website & contact information to you, so that you can have all of your questions/concerns addressed by the appropriate parties.
I hope this information is useful to you.

By Steve Bensinger
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School Opened - Update on Issues

I spoke with Ralph Hardy of Asian Human Services on October 1, 2001 about Passages and here is an update:

School opened on September 4, 2001 with an enrollment of 90 students. Of the 90 students, 50 are taking the bus to school.

The bus is running late, arriving around 8:45am in the mornings. One problem they are having is with cars parked in the bus loading zone. This zone is marked and they are becoming more aggressive about towing cars parked there illegally.

They are not using the parking lot in the 4400 block of North Clark. They are negiotating use of parking on the east side of Clark instead.

Passages is starting a book drive for books appropriate for elementary school children.If you have books to donate, please call the school principal. The principal of the school is Rajeshri Gandhi and can be reached at 773-549-1052.
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