Casa La Mesa Townhouse Association

July 2001 Board Meeting Minutes

July 16, 2001

The regular meeting of the Casa La Mesa Board of Directors was called to order by President Wain Connolly at 7 PM. Board members present were Duanne Crisewell, Julie Ferguson, Mike Ashenfelter, Phyllis Kramer, Gary Hovenga, Jim Morin, and Carl Brown. Earl Massey represented Jomar. The Board members were provided Agenda packets in preparation for this meeting. The Information in that Packet is incorporated in these minutes by reference.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the June meeting were read and approved

Home owner’s Questions and Comments:
1.Jimmy Deutch asked about the special assessment. Discussion followed. President Wain Connolly explained the program in detail.
2.The tree trimming was also discussed and the possibility of trimming only part of the palm trees. The Board indicated that would not be possible or practical.
3.It was reported that 628 N. Pioneer Circle is not emptying their garbage. It is beginning to leak and to smell. Jomar is to check it out
4.Pool problems were discussed, i.e., prying the bars on the gate climbing over the fence, leaving the gate unlocked. Jomar is to contact George Ross about following through with the request to take care of the gates to the pool.
5.Kay Creed requested information about the sale price of unit in the complex. Discussion followed.

Treasurer’s Report: Gary Hovenga presented the current financial status as reflected in the Packet. Approved.

Management’s Report: The following is tbe information provided:
1.There have been many complaints about the landscaping [grass not cut, bare areas, reseeding bare areas. untrimmed bushes, untended private patio areas. etc.] Colin Sterner, the new landscaper, is to contact each homeowner regarding what they want trimmed and what should be left for the homeowner to care for.
2.There were questions regarding two checks signed by Dave Johnson for $1,100 each. These were signed before the new Management Company took over.
3.During the month accounting reported the check account was not balanced. The Management Company needs backup paperwork for handwritten checks by board members. The paperwork was turned in at this meeting.
4.Total Care Tree Service invoice for $2,800 was paid minus $600 for damage done to two roofs per Sprayfoam SW estimate.
5.George had decline to do certain repair work on the storage room roofs. Jomar is to check with Mr. Ross to see what he is interested in doing. The Board suggested that Jomar should look into finding other handyman services.
6.Barbara Deacon of 533 LeSueur, complained to the Board regarding fines that had been imposed on her unit. The Board is to review the paperwork sent to Ms. Deacon by Jomar and Mr. Deacon’s responses. The matter will be discussed at the August meeting.

Club House report: The financial report indicted there is a balance of $2918487 in the account.
Ruth Brown was not present during this discussion.

Old Business:

Farmers Insurance will provide an amount for the insurance premiums for complex by October.
Pool keys were discussed. Jomar has made additional keys and they are available to homeowners

New Business:

1.Gary Hovenga reported on the website that is in the process of gong on-line.
2.The Palo Verde tree in front of 509 N. Hobson Plaza was discussed. Colin Steiner will clean up the damage and trim the tee for $200.
3.Sewer repairs were discussed. The matter was tabled until the August meeting.
4.It was discussed that minutes, balance sheets, income and expense sheets should be provided to homeowners. These documents will be available to anyone who attends the monthly meeting.

Architectural Report: None.

The Board adjourned at 9:30 PM at which time it went into executive session to discuss delinquent
fees. Adjourned at 9:50pm.

Submitted by Duanne Criswell, Secretary

Posted by gary616 on 09/22/2001
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