Cactus Village Community

Sweetwater School not Available

Posted in: Cactus Village
After a couple of months of working with Risk Management with the City of Phoenix Police Department, Neighborhood Services, talking with other leaders of neighborhood organizations, and Robin Mofford who works with Dave Siebert, Councilman District 1 we resulted in not being able to conduct our CVC Block Watch meetings at Sweetwater Elementary School from now on.

We have been required to provide a Certificate of Insurance naming WESD as additional insured.

Efforts will continue to progress towards a solution over the next few months. In the meantime, we will continue with the Cactus Village Community newsletter providing useful articles for our neighbors.

Perhaps, there are suggestions for having meetings at another location, or some other solution. We ask for you input and discussion.
Bill Burch

By Bill Burch
Very Little Progress at This Tim

There has been very little progress at this time regarding holding our community meetings at Sweetwater Elementary School. However, we are working with Councilman Dave Siebert about this problem of having to provide a Certificate of Insurance to use school facilities. This is a problem for all block watch groups wanting to hold meetings at the schools within their neighborhood. This problem is going to be discussed by the City Council at the next session, I understand.

In the meantime, the newsletter will continue to provide neighborhood news and information on a monthly basis.

Bill Burch

By Bill Burch
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