C.O.N.A. of South Pinellas County

AIRPORT- A New Hot Issue

Sep 10, 2003

September 2003

President's Message

Dear Neighbors:

As our summer winds down and our enjoyable fall weather approaches, we can focus on some outdoor activities. Speakers for the September meeting will include the Grand Prix event organizers (a February 2004 event) and an Offshore Boat Races spokesperson (an October 2003 event). Let's get out and enjoy our City by supporting these events.

Many of us from St. Petersburg attended the Florida Neighborhoods Conference this past weekend. The Conference had a fine turnout again this year with over 1,000 attendees pre-registered. If you attended the conference you heard that next year the City of Hollywood, Florida, is hosting the 29th Annual Neighborhoods USA Conference, May 26-29th, at the Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa in Hollywood. It is not too early to plan to participate and attend this national neighborhood event. Information is available on the website www.hollywoodfl.org. Click on the "Hot Information" link.

The CONA Leadership Program is coming up again in January. If you haven't yet had a chance to participate in this program, you might want to consider getting involved next year. And I encourage those of you who are graduates to get out and talk to your neighbors and get them involved. Ingrid Comberg, Tom Killian and Cathy Wilson will all be available to speak to your neighborhood associations about the benefits of this program. Cathy will be the program's Chair this year.

The Albert Whitted Airport issues continue to be a topic at many neighborhood meetings. Since it will be on the next ballot, there is still conversation and confusion about what should and can happen to this airport. CONA has voted twice not to extend the runways. Check you recent CONA E-Mails for continuing discussions.

It's not too late to participate in the Neighborhood Night at the Trop on September 20. Contact Susie Ajoc as soon as possible if you would like to order tickets. Right now the turnout is somewhat dismal. I'm not sure if it's lack of interest from the neighborhoods, or the Devil Rays or the Yankees. Broadwater Civic Association has purchased 100 tickets -- the most ordered by any association.

Our Board of Directors will change in January 2004. If you would like to serve in any capacity, please contact any current Board Member. We will also be loosing our CONA newsletter Editor, Paula Engel, next year. Paula has done an excellent job in producing this monthly newsletter in a timely and professional manner for the past year-and-a-half. We need someone to take over the Editor's role. If you have an interest, please contact me or one of the other CONA Board Members.

I would like to thank Karl Nurse, First V.P., for chairing last month's meeting in my absence. I was unexpectedly not able to attend that meeting. But I'll see you in September!


Brent Fisher,
CONA President

Next CONA Meeting:
Wednesday, Sept. 17th
The Sunshine Center
330 5th Street N.
St. Petersburg
Doors open at 6:00 p.m. - Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m.

September 17th Meeting Agenda

Approval of Minutes
Treasurer's Report
Guest Speakers: Offshore Boat Races/
Grand Prix
Committee Reports:
Neighborhood Partnership Office
Old Business
New Business

The Sunshine Center August 20, 2003

First Vice President Karl Nurse chaired this evening's meeting and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He led us in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

> The Chairman called for any corrections or additions to the July Minutes as published. Hearing none, he announced their approval.
> Treasurer Libby Steele reported our bank balance of $2,755.00
> Karl Nurse gave a brief report of the work of our CONA committee cooperating with the City Codes Compliance staff. They hope to win approval for revised ordinances that will assure interior inspection access to rental properties that have poor records of exterior maintenance/compliance.
> Susan Ajoc, (Dir. Neighborhood Partnership), made several announcements:
-The Partnership Grant Deadline is September 5th.
-The Florida Neighborhood Conference will be in Sarasota Sept. 11th-13th.
-Deadline for reduced fee ($35) for conference attendance is August 21st.
-Baseball tickets for Rays vs. Yankees game are still available. Only 230 sold!
-More neighborhood representation is needed for the city's LDR Project.
-Susan needs grant review committee volunteers for September 26th.
> V.P. Nurse spoke of the Mayor's luncheon, this morning, at which the recent Gun Abatement Project (GAP), was summarized.
> Assistant Police Chief David DeKay, (Supervisor, GAP program), gave further details, but also elaborated on the morale improvements the project effected. He also responded to many questions on this issue from the floor.
> Patricia J. Anderson, (Dir. Public Utilities Dept.), provided a detailed presentation (including slides) describing plans for a pilot project to study the feasibility of mixing residual fluids from the defunct Piney Point phosphate facility with the flow currently provided by our City's four Reclaimed Water Treatment Plants.
-The pilot project is a temporary 21-week Program, closely scrutinized. Failed tests, (one batch at a time), will halt the pilot program.
-The fluid brought here will be treated, not the raw acidic fluid stored in the large bay side ponds of Piney Point.
-The imported fluids will contribute to our available supply of reclaimed water for our city lawns and parks.
-St. Petersburg is participating as a "Good Steward" with other bay area cities to relieve this accumulated threat to the waters of Tampa Bay.
-During the pilot project, the treated fluids will be shipped in by truck, over the Skyway Bridge at night, to the Eckerd College Reclaimed Water plant.
> The Chairman then opened the floor to questions for our speaker urging that this was a not to be missed opportunity to air our concerns.
-The City will be reimbursed for its role in dispersing the Piney Point pollutants.
-The legislature has declined to impose a fee for an environmental trust fund on the phosphate industry to underwrite possible bankruptcies.
-It is projected that the Piney Point problem will require 7 years of remediation.
-The initial double filtration to reduce acidity of the raw water will be accomplished in basins at Piney Point?…not here.
-Despite waivers signed by City reclaimed water clients, Ms. Anderson insists that any property damage from the project will be indemnified.
-Interconnections between our four City Reclaimed Water Plants establishes the possibility that the Piney Point fluids may reach every part of the City.
-If the pilot project is successful, City Council will be asked to approve bringing Piney Point fluids to the
Albert Whitted Reclaimed Water Facility by seagoing barge.
-We were urged to air these issues in our neighborhood associations and to invite Director Anderson to address our meetings.
> Cathy Wilson, (Greater Woodlawn), spoke briefly of our new format for our CONA newsletter.
-We were urged to alert the Secretary of subscribers lost in our recent computer crash.
-There is an ongoing, urgent need for advertisers to sustain our monthly newsletter. [Our previous publisher cancelled over this issue.]
-Cathy also reminded us of the upcoming CONA Leadership Program.
> Ron Russell, (Jungle Terrace), spoke of the recent improvement to our state implementation of the Amber Alert Program that now gives better access to the F.D.L.E. and more widely disseminates alerts to cell phones and on-line.
X- Nomination, (Comberg/Killian), of Cathy Wilson (Greater Woodlawn) for Chairperson of our CONA Leadership Program for the next class.. [Approved]
> Theresa McEachern, (Harbordale), reminded us of the upcoming, (Sept. 22nd), Citizen's Police Academy. She also invited all to a wake for deceased Iveta Martin Berry, long leader of her Campbell Park Neighborhood Association.

Our meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Conrad Weiser, Secretary

Everyone likeschildren and pets! Here's a unique idea that Jungle Terrace is trying out this year! It's called?…?….

Pets in the Park
Saturday, October 4, 2003
Jungle Terrace Civic Association is proud to announce our first annual "Pets in the Park" event. We invite all neighbors to participate in this pet extravaganza. Make no bones bout it? You and your pet will enjoy this affair. There will be creative judging in many categories. The winner of each will be rewarded with prizes. This event will be held rain or shine in front of the Dog Park located in the Walter Fuller Recreational Complex (30th Ave. N and 80th St. N). Registration and judging begins at 8:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and prizes will be awarded after 10:00 a.m.

Pre-register your pet by calling Tom Killian at 343-2041. You do not need to be a member of the J.T.C.A. to enter a pet in this event. Anyone from anywhere can attend!

At the "Pets in the Park" event, representatives from the Child Protection Agency will provide you with a card record of your child's photo and fingerprints.* This card can be presented to the police should your child be abducted and will allow the illustration of your child's identity through the Amber Alert System statewide within minutes and nationwide within hours. There will be a nominal charge to cover the cost of the card (approximately $1.00).
*You need not be a J.T.C.A. member or even a resident of St. Petersburg to take advantage of this service, but every child must be accompanied by an adult.

Sponsors for the "Pets in the Park" event are: McDonalds, Mayor Rick Baker, the City of St.
Petersburg's Leisure Services Dept., Tyrone Veterinary Hospital, Pets Mart, Pets Uplifting
People (PUP), SPCA of Pinellas County, S.P.P.D.'s K-9 Unit, Bath & Biscuit Pet Boutique and the Pet Pal Rescue Adoption Services.

Are You an Artist? Roser Park Wants YOU!

Organizers for the Historic Roser Park Art Festival, scheduled to be held October 4-5, are actively seeking artists for the juried art festival. Prizes and purchase awards will exceed $5,000. Interested artists should call 821-1945.

Save Our Shore / Coastal Clean Up: Saturday, September 20
Join The Pier Aquarium, The Ocean Conservancy, and Keep Pinellas Cities Beautiful in the Annual Florida Coastal Cleanup. Volunteers get FREE gloves, bags, data sheets, water, and giveaways. Call 822-9520; www.oceanconservancy.org. Plus the City Leisure Services and Parks Department will conduct clean-ups at six boat ramp locations. Volunteers are needed -- individuals, neighborhood, church, civic or social groups welcome. Call 893-7335.

Share What You've Learned!

If you attended the 7th Annual Florida State Neighborhoods Conference in Sarasota this month and found a session particularly helpful, please share your ideas and thoughts with other CONA members. We will publish this information in October's newsletter if anyone chooses to share what they have learned. Send to your comments to Paula Engel via one of these formats. E-Mail: pkengel1@aol.com, FAX: 345-2804 or call Paula at 347-6889,

by Tom Killian, President, J.T.C.A.

We of the Jungle Terrace Civic Association are pleased to advise that Governor Bush called a press conference in Tampa on August 18, 2003. The purpose of this press conference was to announce the enhancement of a full and operable Amber Plan within the Tampa Bay area, and to the entire State. It is with extreme pride that we wish to announce that two of our members, Ron Russell and Lyn Dexter, were invited to attend this press conference. As you know, they have both been campaigning by means of addressing neighborhood organizations, C.O.N.A., Progress Energy, as well as other companies to gain support for the Amber Plan in the Bay area. Further, they have requested the Governor pay more attention to the Tampa Bay area with regards to the Amber system. Mr. Russell and Ms. Dexter, at their own expense, have undertaken a year-and-a half-long endeavor which will ultimately lead to the enhancements of the Amber Plan which finally brings the Tampa Bay area up to the state-wide level. We have been informed that during this press conference, Mr. Russell's efforts were recognized and congratulated by not only the Governor, but also by F.D.L.E. Commissioner Tim Moore. As a result, we expect to have an enhanced Amber Alert system in the Tampa Bay area within 90 days. Again, we wish to applaud the work of both Mr. Russell and Ms. Dexter and are proud to have them in the J.T.C.A., as well as residents of the City of St. Petersburg.

PROGRAM: Workshop Meeting Notes

August 26, 2003 City Council Chamber, City Hall
> The meeting was hosted by Sherman Smith and Elizabeth Ledbetter.
> Application forms and guidelines information sheets were distributed prior to the meeting.
> Applications must include the tax identification number or, if not an organization, the social security number of the applicant.
> It is essential that awarded funding be spent only on those items in the proposed project that have been approved by the awards review committee.
> The City of St. Petersburg will require that
successful applicants sign a contract, prior to funding distribution, that defines the project commitments by the applicants.
> Supporting statements from the contiguous neighborhood associations or from those prominently impacted by the proposed project are recognized as important elements of these applications.
> We received 83 applications for awards for this program last year and approved 52 of them.
> Projects that pose a risk of First Amendment challenges, (e.g. newsletters, or websites), will not be considered.
> A meeting will be scheduled for award winners to assist them in completing the program requirements.
> It was emphasized that all project receipts must be preserved and submitted to the program administration
> Applicants may propose more than one award project concurrently.
> Available total program funding for this cycle is estimated at $60,000.
> "Other funding sources", (on the application form), was explained as referring to recognized established funding channels that would typically support this project, (i.e. Juvenile Welfare Board).
> Last year some of the program awards were projects for the City's Leisure Services Department who submitted multiple requests.
> Ms. Ledbetter offered to mail interested applicants listings of last year's award projects and a similar listing of proposed projects that were not award winners.
> She also agreed to respond to telephone inquiries, (892-5427), regarding this program during her office hours at the department of 4 p.m. until 1 a.m.
> We were reminded that 5 p.m. October 3, 2003 is the application deadline for this program.
> The Workshop Meeting concluded at 7 p.m.

Notes compiled by Conrad Weiser, CONA Secretary

Neighborhood Partnership Office

Forfeiture Fund Program Deadline:
No later than Friday, October 3, 2003 @ 5:00 p.m.;
St. Petersburg Police Department (1300 1st Avenue N). Workshop will be held on August 26, 2003, @ 6:00 p.m., City Council Chambers. For more information, please contact Sherman Smith at 893-7984.

Susan P. Ajoc, AICP, Director
Neighborhood Partnership Program
City of St. Petersburg
P.O. Box 2842 St. Petersburg, FL 33731-2842
Phone: (727) 892-5141 Fax: (727) 893-5323
Email: Susan.Ajoc@stpete.org

Mayor's "Promised" Press Conference
Sun Pavilion, 1:00 p.m. 8/19/03

> Bill Doniel (Acting Public Info.): This press meeting is the one promised by Mayor Fisher when the project began?…?….necessarily shrouded in secrecy.
> Chuck Harmon (Chief-S.P.P.D.): This 90 day project, headed by Assistant Chiefs DeKay and Williams, was an initiative that involved all
elements of our department and several
cooperating law enforcement agencies. We
will press on, but we will pause now to analyze the successes of this program.
> Mayor Rick Baker: The Mayor acknowledged the several City Council members present.
-The guns and drugs that "poison" our
community were the primary targets of
this project.
-The Mayor expressed his appreciation for the several state and federal agencies that
cooperated in this initiative.
-The battle will continue. Future initiatives and the enforcement alliances involved will not be announced!
-Our thanks to the members of the S.P.P.D. They are the best crime fighting team in
> City Councilman Earnest Williams: We are committed to continue this battle to free our community.
-Your city appreciates the support and assistance provided by our citizens, our neighborhood associations and the drug marchers. We continue to need your help and your involvement.
-Though many citizens were conscious of the dislocation of our patrol and community police officers, the success of this project has clearly justified their temporary absence.
> Daryl Rousson (President local NAACP Chapter): My message is the need for liberation.
-There are too many black faces in the 490 photos of felons that line the walls here today. They are victims!
-This is not a "Great day in St. Petersburg"! [As the Mayor so often proclaims.] These sons and daughters must learn the consequences of their acts and change their conduct.
-We insist on highly professional performance from the police in our community.
-The NAACP will strive to find employment for these young people to achieve a life free of crime.
> Kim Horstman (Chair-Citizen's Review Board): As a native of St. Petersburg, I want to express my appreciation for the fine professional performance of our Police Department.
> Rev. Louis Murphy (Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church): This is a great day in St. Petersburg! We are seeing progress in our community- more opportunity for jobs, for education, and for improved safety on our street.
-Our police must ever be professional, never oppressive.
-Some of our preventive measures are ineffective. We don't need drug marches.
-I converse with these drug dealers. We must change the hearts of these would be criminals.
> Chief Chuck Harmon: We are jubilant in the success of this project but know the broken hearts of the 490-arrested citizen and their families. I am pleased to report that their has not been one complaint of police misconduct throughout the duration of this project

The GAP Meeting concluded at 1:35 p.m.
...as recorded by Conrad Weiser, CONA Secretary

by Cathy Wilson, Chair, CONA Leadership 2004
Yes, it's that time of year again...CONA Leadership kicks off our 11th year of operation this month!!!
We have another exciting schedule packed with informative and entertaining speakers, programs and tours.
If you're already a graduate, you know how much you learned, how many contacts you made and how
much FUN you had. If you haven't taken the course yet, we have a great one lined up for you this year!
Tom Killian from Jungle Terrace will give a brief presentation on our program at the September CONA
meeting. We'd like to ask each of your associations to let us visit either your October or November meetings to show your residents our program and distribute our brochures and applications. Tom will give a longer presentation with details on the classes, speakers, dates, times and places at the October CONA meeting.

The cost for the program is only $50.00 and we'll be accepting 40 students this year. An application is included in this issue of the CONA newsletter and more will be available at the September meeting. Slots fill up quickly, so please send in your application today! (You must be a resident of St. Petersburg to attend.)

If you have any questions, please call me @ 823-0863 or E-Mail at: catgwna@tampabay.rr.com. I will be glad to send you an application form!

CONA Mailing List Update! Please Help Us!
Due to some recent computer problems with our CONA
Mailing list, we once again need your additions and corrections to our mailing list. Please E-Mail any changes you may have to Conrad Weiser, CONA Secretary, at MAOA1999@aol.com.


If you have comments, ideas or articles for the CONA newsletter, please call Paula Engel at 347-6889 or 642-3134; email her at pkengel1@aol.com; or fax her at 345-2804.

"Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community."
-Anthony J. D'Angelo


Brent Fisher
Greater Pinellas Point
Fax: 867-6665
Cell: 504-5180

First Vice President
Karl Nurse
Old Southeast
572-9311 Ext. 24

Second Vice President
Theresa McEachern

Conrad Weiser

Libby Steele
Lakewood Estates

Neighborhood Partnership Office:
Mayor's Action Line: 893-7111
Codes Office: 893-7373


Copy Deadline: 30th of each month.
Publication: 2nd Wednesday of month.
Mailing: the 2nd Friday of month.

Editor, Paula Engel 347-6889
FAX: 345-2804
E-Mail: pkengel1@aol.com

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