Argyle Area Civic Council

AACC Meeting, Nov 21, 2002, Argyle Branch Library Mtg 11-19-2002

Dec 14, 2002

1. Agenda for the Thursday, November 21, 2002 AACC at 7:30pm at Kirkwood Presbyterian Church meeting Posted on the AACC Web Site.

2. Argyle Branch Library Community Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. at Enterprise Learning Academy.

3. Police Stop Station Opens in Argyle Forest. Ribbon Cutting for the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Mini-Sub-Station to be Rescheduled. There will be a Sheriff's Walk in Collins Ridge sub-division at 2:30 pm immediately following the ribbon cutting. AACC was able to arrange this with JSO. Residents of Collins Ridge are encouraged to be ready to discuss concerns with Sheriff Glover that day.
Times Union Article by Sandy Strickland on 11-16-2002->

4. Open House Cookout at the New Clay County Fire Station # 26 at 335 Cheswick Oaks Drive Saturday, November 30, 2002 1:00 - 4:00 PM

5. Argyle Forest Blvd Automobile Accident between Westport Road and Rampart Road on Wednesday, November 13, 2002. Media outlets have been encouraged to cover the news being made at AACC and other meetings and lessen coverage of the consequences(like this accident). We need the media to bring attention to our efforts to change our neighborhoods for the better. Quality of life issues are currently low-key news events until someone's life is threatened. We're better than this.

6. Reports state that 50% of Americans are overweight. Residents are encouraged to use the Cecil Field exercise facilities which are operated by
the City of Jacksonville and open 7am to 8pm Monday thru Friday. The facilities are provided to residents free of charge as a benefit of living in the Westside. See you there!


1. Agenda for the Thursday, November 21, 2002 AACC at 7:30pm at Kirkwood Presbyterian Church meeting Posted on the AACC Web Site.

The Next meeting of the Argyle Area Civic Council will be on Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 7:30 pm at Kirkwood Presbyterian Church at the corner of Argyle Forest Boulevard and Shindler Road. All Chairs are encouraged to be prepared and ready with good report of status and needs. Here is the Agenda for that meeting: Minutes will be posted on the web site approximately two weeks after the meeting. Would you like to have a Candidate Forum in February, possibly replacing the February meeting with it? Your input is needed at this meeting if we are going to plan this event!

1. Approval of the the Minutes from the Thursday, October 24, 2002 AACC Meeting. Full minutes posted at:

2. Henry Mooneyhan < report continues on literacy campaign.

3. Dan Hoard < / Tracie Murphy < report on Business Development. Our position on the developer's request to build a Walgreens at corner of Rampart and AFB was voted upon and the dates and times of upcoming meetings will be announced again at this meeting. Oak Leaf Plantation commercial development has not yet started. We'd like to get that kick-started so those home buyers will have a place to shop when they move in w/o going to Blanding. The gist of this committee's actions is to reduce our need to go to Blanding Blvd so as reduce the traffic strains there.

4. Transportation Committee: We need a large contingent from Clay Co at this meeting. The Cleveland Road Connector updates will be discussed. The neighborhoods on the Blanding Blvd side of the swamp have been invited to attend. We hope to have important Clay Co officials here to discuss this important issue. We'd like to get "No Outlet" sign placed by Clay Co. on Cheswick Oaks to alert joy riders that they are wasting their time.
Councilwoman Hipps has set up meeting on Transportation Needs on the Duval side for Tuesday, Nov 19 at Enterprise Learning Academy to coincide with the new Library discussions. Wide public input needed on these. Noise abatement for AFB widening. Meeting was held with affected residents Nov 9. You need to be present to hear outcomes. Entrance to Car Wash from AFB has been re-designed to eliminate the need to enter from AFB. Developers are re-designing site plans now to include an oil-change facility with the car wash and all of this would be accessed from the main Argyle Village entrances via the parking lot. We appreciate the cooperation of the developers.

5. Landscape Committee-Ashley Davis will present some ideas and photos at this meeting. Ashley has agreed to be our point man on landscaping issues and is authorized to speak for AACC on these matters. He brings a great level of experience to the table and he will fight for what is right.

6. Plans for a charter school, an answer to the middle school need, are being developed now with the site being located across from Enterprise
Learning Academy. It can be attended with public school dollars from any student from any county. Current plans call for it to address grades 6
through 8. Do you want in on the ground floor? We need a CHAIR FOR THIS IMPORTANT COMMITTEE.

7. By Jim Doughfman, Rec Chair < , a report on skateboard park and others. Jim will be present at this meeting to discuss
plans. Jim needs some interested members to assist him who are interested in planning the recreational parks in our area.

8. Police Stop Station is open and running. Pictures and story in Weekend section of paper. Thanks to Sandy Strickland @ Florida Times Union for
getting the news out.
Members are invited to drive by and see AACC progress. Ken Bible is to be congratulated for tireless efforts in getting this done. Also, thanks to C&H Investments, Keith Pierson Toyota and others for helping this to become a reality. Vestcor has made parking spaces
available on their property adjacent to the station for officers to park when needed. This has been a great community involved activity. Some funds
are needed on a continuing basis to fund the telephones and utilities for the station. Can you help? It'll take about $75/month to clear the hurdle. See Ken Bible for details.

9. Thanks to Jim Kelly for reflections story in Clay Today on AACC to commemorate First Anniversary.

10. We need a chair for the February Candidates Forum for Jax city elections including Mayor. There will also be a special election in March in Clay Co. which residents will need tom hear about and discuss. We could probably get a celebrity Emcee to host this, but we need a Chair to get it planned and some interested members to assist.

11. Request for Chair Person of:
a. Bumper Sticker campaign.
b. Membership Committee workers
c. Meetings Speaker committee
d. Community Center project
e. Senior Center project( we are eligible for a center like the one on Lanes Ave.)
f. Nominations/Future Leaders Committee

12.Suggestions of neighborhoods for selection of a Florida Front Porch grant to improve a neighborhood.

13. Stormwater Management Report on LTA. Follow up on who's doing what and who's not doing anything.

If you want to be involved in one of the above committees, email that Chairperson or come to the meeting on Thursday, November 21, 2002.


2. Argyle Branch Library Community Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. at Enterprise Learning Academy

Argyle Branch Library Community Meeting
City Council District 13
Councilwoman Alberta Hipps, the City of Jacksonville's Department of Public Work, and the Jacksonville Public Library
invite you to attend a community meeting to learn about the new Argyle Branch Library. The library will be located next to the Enterprise Learning Academy on Old Middleburg Road, and should be completed late 2004.
Date & Time: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.
Location Enterprise Learning Academy 8085 S. Old Middleburg Road Jacksonville, FL 32244
Your attendance is greatly appreciated. If you have questions or comments, please contact: 630-BJAX(2529)


Post Comments About the Argyle Branch Library at:


3. Police Stop Station Opens in Argyle Forest at the Crescent Hill Office Park on Argyle Forest Boulevard near Blanding Boulevard.. Ribbon Cutting for the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Mini-Sub-Station to be Rescheduled. There will be a Sheriff's Walk in Collins Ridge sub-division at 2:30 pm immediately following the ribbon cutting. AACC was able to arrange this with JSO. Residents of Collins Ridge are encouraged to be ready to discuss concerns with Sheriff Glover that day.

Times Union Article by Sandy Strickland on 11-16-2002->
Great Pictures !!!!

Web Site:

Post Comments About the Police Stop Station in Argyle at:


4. Clay County Fire Rescue & The Argyle Area Neighborhood Watch Programs
Invite You to an Open House Cookout at Fire Station # 26
335 Cheswick Oaks Drive
Saturday, November 30, 2002 1:00-4:00 PM
Clay County Food Pantries are at an all-time low.
Receptacles will be available for donations of non-perishables. Please consider bringing something for those less fortunate.

For more information, contact David Reagan 772-1718

Post Comments About the Argyle Clay County Fire Station at:


Times Union News Article:

Saturday, November 9, 2002

Firefighters settle into Argyle farmhouse
By Mary Maraghy Clay County Line staff writer
Clay County Fire Rescue on Wednesday November 6, 2002, opened a fire station in a farmhouse in Argyle that they affectionately call the Ponderosa.
Horses and cows grazed nearby and chickens strutted next to rescue workers who unloaded supplies for the new and unusual Station 26 on Cheswick Oak Avenue at Spencer Plantation Boulevard.
Spero Saxon, who lives off Cheswick Oak Avenue, said he's encouraged because he has long been concerned about being so far from a fire department. The closest is on Blanding at Arora Boulevard, nearly a mile south of the Orange Park Mall.
"We'd lose this wood frame house in 25 minutes," said Saxon, who planned to call his insurance company to see if the nearby station could earn him lower home insurance premiums.
Until the county can afford to build a permanent station, the farmhouse station will serve the Clay county portion of Argyle and immediate surrounding areas.
A permanent station may be constructed in 18 months for about $250,000 on 2 acres that landowner Frank Spencer donated. The land is south of where Cheswick Oak Avenue ends.
For now, the temporary station will have a two-person crew on staff around the clock. (Eventually, it will be a three-person crew.) The crew will be trained in firefighting and medical emergencies. At least one crew member will be a paramedic trained to administer medication and to treat shock, trauma, respiratory problems, heart attacks and other health crises.
Blood pressure checks will be offered free from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the station when the fire truck is present.
Argyle residents can expect to see the Station 26 fire engine touring the area as rescue workers familiarize themselves with street names, addresses, block numbers and fire hydrants. They want to keep up with the rapid growth that has exceeded existing maps. They will hand-draw maps as new streets are built, said Lt. Bernita Bush, public information officer.
Spencer is leasing the 1,900-square-foot home to the fire department until the permanent station is built. Spencer's relatives, who were living in the home, have relocated, Bush said.
The station's captain is Lori Lentile, Clay County's second female fire captain. The first was Pam Pierce in Fleming Island, who is now retired on disability.
"It was quite a project," said Lentile, who oversaw about $10,000 worth of renovations at the home. "But I had lots of help and support from the department. Anything we needed, we got."
Reporting for duty at 8 a.m. Wednesday were Lt. Sam Young, a paramedic, and Engineer Monty Coleman. While checking out their new digs, they were amused with the fireplace and the hitching post out back.
"We've never had a station like this before," Young said.
Young said rescue workers will tour homes under construction to determine ways to best battle potential fires.
"Being on the ground floor of construction, we'll be in front of the power curve instead of behind it."
Plus, it will be nice to get to know people in the community. Young said he hopes residents will drop in to say "hi" and bring the kids to see the fire engine.
"That's the best part," Young said. "It's a neighborhood thing."

Staff writer Mary Maraghy can be reached at (904) 278-9487, extension 19, or


5. Argyle Forest Blvd Automobile Accident between Westport Road and Rampart Road on Wednesday, November 13, 2002.

Channel 4 News Article: <- See Picture

Crash Injures Three, Closes Argyle Forest Boulevard
Posted: 4:14 p.m. EST November 13, 2002 Updated: 5:30 p.m. EST November 13, 2002
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Three people were badly injured in a car crash in the 8000 block of Argyle Forest Boulevard Thursday afternoon.
Jacksonville Fire Rescue reports that one victim was ejected, and another was trapped in the wreckage.
All three were taken to Shands-Jacksonville Medical Center.
Rescue units from both Jacksonville and Clay County responded, and traffic homicide investigators were called to the scene, as injuries were believed to be life threatening.
Argyle Forest Boulevard was closed between Westport Road to Rampart Road for almost two hours while the accident was investigated and cleared. It reopened to traffic just before 5:30 p.m.
There have been two fatalities on Argyle Forest Boulevard within the past year. In April (2001), a 12-year-old boy was struck and killed while riding his bicycle. In May (2001), a pregnant woman in an SUV was killed in a head-on crash with a pickup truck.


6. Reports state that 50% of Americans are overweight. Residents are encouraged to use the Cecil Field exercise facilities which are operated by
the City of Jacksonville and open 7am to 8pm Monday thru Friday. The facilities are provided to residents free of charge as a benefit of living in the Westside. See you there!


If you have any questions, please contact one of these Argyle Area Civic Council officers below:

President: David Hodges (904)381-9913(H) Chimney Lakes
Vice President: Dan Hoard (904)213-0774(B) Chimney Lakes
2nd Vice President: Bill Lewis (904)813-9455(C) Chimney Lakes
Secretary: Kenneth Bible (904)777-8930(H) Argyle Forest, Arrowroot
Treasurer: Al Durant (904)772-0323(H) Highland Lakes


If you know anyone who would like to become involved in the Argyle Area Civic Council, please let someone on this list know or come to the next meeting. We normally meet the 3rd Thursday of each month at Kirkwood Presbyterian Church at the corner of Argyle Forest Boulevard and Shindler Road. The next meeting will be held Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 7:30 pm.

Let me know what you think. Feel free to forward this to other neighbors and friends.
I appreciate your support, thoughts and prayers on these efforts.


Bill Lewis
2nd Vice President, Communications Director - Argyle Area Civic Council
AACC Web Site:
Chimney Lakes Resident in Argyle Forest
Cell: 904-813-9455 <-Nextel Incoming Calls Free. Radio #: 160*51639*5
eFax: 520-833-6189
VoiceMail: 520-833-6189

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