Americana Cove

The Good Olde Summer Time........It's Here!

Jul 31, 2003

Holy God, Prince of Peace, this month we again concentrate our prayer for PEACE, worldwide.
This is brought to mind as we think of the day the United States of America dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, the 8th of August, 58 years ago. Those in power then 'justified' it; but, nevertheless, it was an atrocity.
We pray that this kind of event will never happen again.
We are threatened on every side, from within and without, yet we feel so inadequate to combat these events. You know the end from the beginning so we must look to Your Holy Spirit for guidance and strength.
In the meantime, we can effect peace within our families, among friends and in our churches.
Wherever we are, may Your Will strengthen us to be peaceful witnesses for YOU.
John Whittredge Hill, Chaplain

MAROA NEWS ?– by Paul Mattina, President
In spite of the summer doldrums and the lethargy this humid heat brings, there has been much activity in the park. I'm sure most of you that are still here in the park have seen the great job our maintenance staff has done in refreshing the appearance of the pool area. The pool border has been painted, as well as the deck, making it appear like new.
And speaking of the pool, we are getting prices on adding a solar heating system to keep the pool at its optimum temperature. Savings on the high cost of gas currently used to heat the pool should pay off the system in as little as two to three years, depending on how the weather affects the demands on the heater.
We have all been inconvenienced by the construction at our front gate, due to the rewiring being done by Verizon. Our Planning Committee, chaired by George Milner, is looking at a number of ways to improve the appearance, safety and convenience within our park. First among the projects being considered is a renovation of our entrance. The goal is to beautify the entrance to make it more attractive and inviting to residents and passersby, and to increase the safety factor by widening the main entrance from First Street.
This last should make it easier and safer for vehicles entering and leaving the park simultaneously. This would be an opportune time to tackle this project, given that the damage being done by Verizon's work there will have to be reconstructed anyway. We also expect that the money allocated by Verizon to reconstruct the property to its original condition would be made available to us instead, which we would apply toward the renovation project.
As of this writing, the maintenance staff has begun the renewal of the Atrium. The
Kitchen Krewe, now an MAA club, is funding the purchase and installation of new carpeting throughout the Atrium, including the hallway to the Pool Room. Before the carpet is installed, the walls will be painted, and a chair rail installed with a border above it. This has been a long time coming, as the current carpet is damaged in places and badly stained. We all look forward to the new and brighter look of the Atrium.
Has anyone noticed the strange silence, and the absence of the rat-a-tat of the jackhammers? As of early July, the work on the seawall has been completed, as well as the installation of new sod. This has been an enormous undertaking, and the results are wonderful to behold. The uniformity of the seawall throughout the park and the quality of the work is a tremendous enhancement, both to the beauty of the park and to its value. I hope we all share in the appreciation due to those with the foresight to initiate the project, and the shareholders who voted to approve it.
Another plus for our park is the finalization of the agreement with Nick Ferraro Homes, Inc., to be our dealer/broker of new homes. We have all been concerned with the number of empty lots, both for the appearance they present and the income lost. Nick is working up an aggressive sale and marketing plan, which we expect will improve the rate of sales of new homes, compared to the recent past. Part of that plan is to bring in two new spec homes immediately after the contract takes effect on September 1st; the plan further calls for having as many as five spec homes available at all times.
We would like to welcome Nick, and wish him success in his venture in partnership with our park.
It seems hard to believe, but time flies, and the reality is that next month we can look forward to resuming our Town Hall meetings, and Board meetings. Until then, I hope we all can continue to enjoy the lazy, hazy days of summer.

From The Manager: -Dawn Simmons
By the time this goes to print the seawall and sod will have been completed. WOW -What a Project! Overall it went well and we are all glad it is behind us. Now the request is being made for residents owning docks to get them back together and painted. Some however are in pretty rough shape and look like they need to be replaced or completely removed.
If your home is on the water and has a dock and if you have your home "For Sale" be assured when the "Home Transfer Inspection" comes in to the Management Office, whether the place is for sale by owner or agent and the dock is in disrepair, you will be required to fix or replace it.
Hopefully by August 1st., Verizon will be done at the front entrance. It has taken them a month longer than planned due to weather and locating the central switching systems.
It is the intention of the Board to make alterations to the front entrance since it has already been torn up. A Landscape Engineer will be consulted as to how to widen the entrance.
Thanks Ken for the report on the boat slip fire. The reason I did not write an article for the Forecaster was I did not have all the facts I needed and was researching how the lights got there in the first place. It turns out no one knows where they came from or who installed them. The Fire Dept. was not called. On Monday morning when I arrived at work, I called the Fire Dept. and asked for an investigator to come to determine the cause but because they were not called to extinguish the fire they were unable to comply with my request.
It is obvious that it was accidental and no chemicals were used, it clearly was started from the wiring in the apparatus light that was installed with a timer. The aluminum trouble light was also burnt and damaged but it did not cause the fire. When Paul Mattina arrived, he took the aluminum light to show to me that Monday.
Whoever hooked up one or more of the lights had absolutely no permission or right to do so. No
one who rented Slip No.6 had anything to do with the installation of either light. Maybe it was faulty wiring, a bad timer or just a bad light. We will never know for sure.
What we do know for sure is that we are all VERY lucky it was no worse, the water spraying from the melted PVC pipe is what saved the slip and the resident's water crafts.
The cost of replacing the piling, electric and water is $1,515.00.
We have all learned a lesson.
#1. Big or small call the Fire Dept.
#2. Do not install anything on common area property.
#3. This could have been a major fire and very costly to the Association.

A "Sony" Cell phone, a gold earring and a gold bracelet has been turned into the office --call to identify.

In order for the Lawn Service to better serve our Community it is vital we do our part to cut down or eliminate weekly problems.
Line Trimming (Weedeating):
This job is performed in areas that are accessible to lawn mowers, and has the greatest potential to cause damage to sprinkler pipes, vinyl siding, plants, trees and wires. To eliminate this problem we request you protect these items from possible damage by either making a bed or placing decorative bricks around small trees, along vinyl siding and around sprinkler pipes and make sure to protect your plants. Any unprotected damaged items cannot be repaired or replaced by Valley Crest Landscape Maintenance. Any protected yet damaged items will be repaired or replaced by Valley Crest Landscape Maintenance in a timely manner.
Fruit Trees & Miscellaneous Items:
Citrus tree branches have a tendency to hang low to the ground, we ask you please trim branches up so the line trimmers can do underneath all of the tree. Trash and other items (garden hoses) left in the yard can be run over and cause damage to your homes and the mowers.
Sprinkler heads and piping:
Everyone who has sprinkler heads in their yards are responsible for their maintenance and upkeep. Sprinklers and donuts that sit above ground are too often hit by the mowers. The sprinkler head needs to be below ground level and the donuts need to be low enough in the grass that the mowers don't hit it. Many water pipes in the community are old, rusted and sun baked causing them to be very brittle. Again try to protect them, please place decorative bricks around the base. On occasion when accidents do happen Valley Crest tries to make repairs as quickly as possible.
By you, the homeowner, protecting your property and being responsible for the concerns mentioned above, the damage to items should be greatly reduced.

By Peggy Hubrich

Norbert Sikorski
Dick Jones
Edith Harmon
Helen Bzowski

Bill Krich V. A. Medical Center

Margaret Hungerford Shore Acres
Claire Mueller Grace Health Care
A. D. Pollock Carrington Place
Mitzi Delzell Shore Acres
Bob Evans Carrington Place
Bob Ortel Carrington Place

01 Mark Moran
02 Shirley Laforce
Marilyn Waltz
05 Ruth Beauregard
06 Jeanette Stang
07 Fred Riesdorph
08 Kim Nemi
Kay Sebek
10 A. J. Kelleher
11 Elsie Cantos
Vic Richardson
Ralph Lang
12 Tee Philips
Barbara Young
Alice Jones
14 Harriet Sigourney
Diana Rogers
15 Elaine Laberge
16 Dot Nemi
17 Roger Gerard
18 Claire Hart
20 Libby Hopkins
Dorothy Robinson
21 Jackie Hanlon
22 Ted Latreille
Ed McGrath
Jo Waldron
Marge Gamble
26 Adele Seaman
27 Harold Sturm
28 Carl Slaugenhaupt
29 Virginia Letterman

01 Dot and Dick Nemi 45 years
02 Wanda and Jerry Spetz 51 years
03 Dolly and Bert Couture 18 years
06 Gene and Ted Latreille 49 years
10 Irene and Bob Kmieciak 57 years
20 Joanne and Tom Wallace
25 Marge and Ralph Lang 47 years
26 Marilyn and Bob Waltz 19 years
30 Alice and Doc Jones 62 years
Jerry and Mike Regan 46 years

by Frances McVay

570 Mt. Oak Avenue 527-4291
Moved from 7009 Mt. Georgetown Drive
Previously Newkirk

EGAN, Dennis (MI)
GREFIG, Barbara
7102 Americana Drive
Previously Watts Estate

GILLIES, Linda & Crailey (NB)
7257 Mt. Georgetown Drive
Previously Loscalzo Estate

WALLACE, Thomas & Joanne (NS)
7012 Mt. Hawthorne Road 527-0909
Moved from 7023 Mt. Georgetown Drive
Previously Stegemoller

By Bob Larsen, President
On Wed. Aug. 13 at 12:00 noon we will have a get together for lunch followed by bingo. Just bring a sack lunch and MAA will serve a dessert and coffee/iced tea. There will be a 50/50 drawing and proceeds will go for bingo prizes.
Tickets will be sold on Aug. 18, Monday at 9:00am ($7.00) for the Labor Day Luau which is Mon. Sept. 1. Betty Chase is planning a big ham dinner with all the trimmings.
Salads and snacks at 4:00pm, dinner at 5:00pm followed by special entertainment.
PLEASE! Get your tickets on the day they are being sold!! If you can't be there call Barbara Magada or Betty Chase with the amount of tickets and when you can pick them up.
Thursday Aug. 21 from 7pm til 10pm the Downtowners will play for our dancing and listening pleasure. Cost at the door will be $2.50 per person. Bring your own drinks and snacks. Everyone has a good time with Larry and his band.
Betty Chase will be hosting a trip to Savannah and Myrtle Beach on Oct. 20-24.
Five days, five breakfasts, five dinners and five shows for $499.00 based on double occupancy. We have a good time on these trips and new friends are made along with lasting memories. Check out the information on the bulletin board in the Club House.
The Mobel Americana Association (MAA) provides all the social activities in the park. Any resident is automatically a member. There are no dues. The MAA Council is composed of a representative of each sanctioned club. On the first Tuesday of the month there is a council meeting and the first Wednesday of the month is a luncheon meeting. The new season begins with MAA Council meeting on Tues. Sept. 2 at 10:00am. On Wed. Sept. 3 at 12 noon there will be a MAA Luncheon meeting. A lot of events have been planned for the year. So, come join in the fun!!

By Marcia Fay
To some of you reading this article it will be boring but to others I hope it will be informative, I have been asked, "What is the Old Timers?" So...Old Timers is a social club and its purpose is to promote fellowship and goodwill among the residents of the park and to further these relationships, and to use any of the revenues of the club exclusively for the benefit of its members.
The club meets on the second and fourth Wednesday each month, at twelve noon, except the fourth Wednesday in June and the months of July and August. There is a luncheon followed by a business meeting. Dessert is provided by the members and sold for thirty five cents each (usually a delicious piece of home made cake).
The main menu is prepared and served by the Kitchen Krew and members.
The Oldtimers share equally with MAA for supplies used at all functions. The luncheon itself is paid for by our current treasurer, Shirley Wadsworth, out of our checking account.
Where does our money come from in our checking account? Our membership is open to all residents of the park who pay an annual fee of $3.50 per person at time of enrollment. Renewals are due the first meeting in October of each year. All non-members or guests are asked to pay one dollar for the meal.
The balance in our account with South Trust Bank as of May 31, 1903 is $3,597.04. That total achieved not only from membership, but from the sales of desserts and from the aluminum collected, along with 1/2 of the 50/50 tickets and the one dollar from guests.
Now you ask, what have we done with the revenues? Each month we pay MAA $130.00 for paper supplies and condiments, as our share. Betty Chase, Chairman of the Kitchen Krew, presents us with a bill each luncheon that varies according to how many people served. We had 864 people served from September through December and it increases each month until April, when our Canadians start to go home.
We have donated to the purchase of the new treadmill--$1000. Also, we gave $150 -for the new golf cart for Crime Watch and helped the Cue Club with recovering of the tables with $150-
We buy and present poinsettias to those who baked cakes throughout the year for our desserts.
At Christmas we give certificates to the Main Office Staff and others.
After the meetings we play "free" bingo for an hour or so. To that we give $20- in prizes.
This past year we paid for a saw, bits and other tools for the aluminum collectors to prepare the aluminum for resale. Also, a license was needed for the trailer to haul the aluminum to the workshed or recycling depot. That is the least we can do when the ?“Aluminum Collectors" have given us $2,388.11 over a year or so.
Our officers, Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary and Chaplain are elected for one year and as a board, we can donate or use $300 - without membership approval. As Chairperson, I attend The MAA Council, the first Tuesday of every month. It is held to keep abreast of the overall plans for the park.
I hope this explains the Old Timers Social Club. We would like everyone to support us in our endeavors to make this a great place to live and enjoy life.
Your new membership cards will be available at the first meeting of the new season on October 8th, 2003.

By Ken Hopkins
LET THE PROS DO IT ?– Way back when I was a young man, I decided one day that I could save money on the cost of an oil change if I did it myself. In fact, I talked my local service station into letting me use their lift as long as I bought the oil from them. I jacked the car up in the air, drained the oil, let the car down and poured in 4 quarts of brand new oil. As I slid the car into gear and backed off the lift, I was surprised when the car suddenly shifted itself into forward and started back up the ramp! ?“How can this be??” I thought as I put the car back into reverse and started out the garage. Once again, the car, seemingly with a mind of its own, slipped into forward and started back up the ramp. Puzzled, I called the anomaly to the attention of the mechanic on duty. Turns out I had drained the transmission fluid instead of the oil! Now I was out the cost of the transmission fluid, the new oil I had added to the dirty oil, and the mechanic?’s time and energy to repair all of my self inflicted damage. I am telling you this story as a reminder that sometimes it takes a ?“pro?” to get the job done. Our community has recently experimented with our real estate function. The previous Board decided to get rid of Nick Ferraro in favor of another realtor. We have all seen the results of that. In fact, some on that Board even thought that they could handle the real estate function rather than a realtor and save the commissions for Mobel. Well intentioned maybe, but certainly similar to my oil change experience. In point of fact, in today?’s difficult economic environment, it takes a ?“pro?” to sell houses within Mobel. It takes a ?“pro?” willing to invest his own money in inventory to help fill up some of our many vacant lots. I was delighted to learn that our Board has made the enlightened move of appointing a ?“pro?” as our realtor. Welcome back, Nick!

SENIOR SLEUTHS ?– Well if you don?’t want to drive our Crime Watch golf cart, how about becoming a ?“Senior Sleuth?” for your crime stopping thrills? This program is sponsored by the State of Florida Attorney General?’s office. It is designed specifically to reduce crimes against the elderly and educate consumers about fraud, con games, scams and similar. A corps of volunteers has been created to assist the Attorney General with this project. Volunteer ?“sleuths?” are trained to look for and identify scams, fraudulent telemarketing schemes, and similar. A recent example was the ?“free?” home water testing service that resulted in thousands of dollars in bogus charges. Senior Sleuths can be as actively involved as their time allows. Your time commitment is entirely up to you. For more information on this interesting program, call the Attorney General?’s office at 800-203-3099 ext. 226 or try the website at

SPOTLIGHT ON YOUR NEIGHBOR ?– The phrase, ?“founding father?” keeps rolling around in my mind as I think of all the people who were the original shareholders when our community went resident-owned in 1994. One of those people was Bert Couture who, with his wife Dolly, was here in the days prior to the purchase and actively helped organize the buy-out. Bert then joined the first Board of Directors as Vice President and stayed on the Board for six years. Bert comes from Lewiston, Maine and he and Dolly often go back there to visit family and friends. Bert?’s sister, Pauline, is married to our champ golfer, Norm Begin. Bert and Dolly have been here for 13 years and came here after retiring from The Maine Baking Co. in Lewiston. Bert and Dolly are avid campers and spend many weekends in their Winnebego motor home. Bert is still on the mend from very serious surgery, which limits his golf game but he still swings a mean pool cue. Befitting his name, Bert is fluent in French, a legacy from his family?’s French Canadian roots. In addition to his six years of service on our Board of Directors, Bert is proud of his work developing a hurricane evacuation plan for the community. When I asked Bert about suggested improvements to the community, he suggested utilizing video cameras to improve security. Sounds like a good idea. Thank you, Bert!

RINSE STATION ?– The Americana Boat Club felt that the addition of a fresh water rinse line at the boat ramp would be a convenience for our boaters who trailer their boats and need to rinse off the salt water, flush their engine, etc. after a day of boating. The club petitioned help from the Board and Management and they have agreed to add this useful feature. Probably by the time you read this, such a freshwater rinse line will have already been installed. Thanks to the Board for their help with this project.

SUGGESTIONS WELCOME ?– Have some news from your club or group? Have an idea that you?’d like to express in this column? Want your chance to be heard? We are in Wisconsin for our summer vacation so call our cell phone at 727-804-5496 or email me at

Forecaster Deadlines:
All items and other information for the Forecaster may be placed in the box just inside the entry doors to the Atrium. All items to be in the original type, no photocopies please, in BLACK INK on full size 8 1/2 by 11 paper. Deadline for September for all articles, the 19th of August. Font size is number eleven.
Calendar ?– Deadline for entries will be the 17th of each month.
Monthly Bridge Lunch - It will be on August 20th. All Bridge players are welcome to come and enjoy some fellowship with their friends and neighbors.
Forecaster Submissions ?– It is my intention to commence the compilation of the Forecaster by electronic means. I have noted that practically all submissions I now receive are prepared on a computer, and I am assuming that most of you, if not all that use a computer, have email service.
I would therefore request that starting with the September issue (one month later than previously) you send me your submissions by email attachment, as well as placing a hard copy in the Forecaster box in the Atrium. This will enable me to find out where the problems are, and together we can work on resolving them. Please note the submission must be submitted exactly as it will appear in the Forecaster. Any extra notes should be on a separate piece of paper.
To those who do not have email access please continue to submit as you do presently. I have a scanner that can now convert the printed word into a computer file.
Presently a lot of paper is used in preparing the Forecaster and there does not seem to be any good reason for continuing to use paper unnecessarily.
A few of you presently submit your articles by electronic means and I appreciate your foresight.
The email address is ?‘’. Incidentally if anyone is interested in becoming the Editor, the position is still available to the right person.
MAA News ?– In August, on the second Wednesday of the month at noon, there will be a brown bag lunch and FREE BINGO at the Hall. Dessert, coffee and tea will be provided. We had a good time at the inaugural lunch in June, so why not come down and join the crowd. Hosted by Virginia Curtis and Vivian Linville.
Errata ?– The Men?’s Rules in the July Forecaster were submitted by Hubert Dorsett, with no comment by him as to whether he agreed with them or not. (and certainly none by me! Ed.)
Ladies, does anyone want to submit some Women?’s Rules?
Delivery Routes Forecaster ?– In reviewing my records I note that I have no one listed to do Mt. Madison in August and September. Is there a volunteer out there? Also if you cannot deliver in any specific month I would appreciate it if you would find a replacement. Telling me a few days before you are leaving does not allow time to find another person and understand the route. Of course I realize there are unforeseen events that may preclude such a notice, but if at all possible give me a month?’s notice at least. Thank You ?– Ed.

Dear Residents of Mobel Americana,
On July 6th, 2003 at approximately 11:08 PM there was an incident that occurred inside your lovely community in the 6800 block of Americana Drive Northeast. There were 4 black male youths seen running around inside the complex that did not belong here. A call was made to the police giving a generic description of the subjects, and their suspicious activity. Officers responded to the area, and the subjects were never located. There were calls made to he guard shack, however the information never made it to the Police Department. This information needs to go to the police FIRST, not the guard shack. It is very imperative that take place in this order, so the police can respond to the complaint more efficiently. It is also important to share the information amongst your friends and neighbors, however the police need to be called first.
I personally talked with the responding officers on this particular complaint, and they never received such information that circulated throughout the community on this day. This type of information sharing cannot continue to happen. It is very important that the information be shared with the police first so such crimes cannot occur in the future. It is also important to stay inside your residences so our officers can react to situations using the best of their abilities. I am specifically referring to the use of our K-9 dogs. The dogs need undisturbed areas to be able to track criminals operating inside the community. When people are out trying to see what is happening, it only hinders the success of the K-9 dog.
I would like to reiterate that the police need to be called FIRST on all crimes that occur inside Mobel Americana and also to areas surrounding your community as well. Information can be shared amongst yourselves after these criminals are in custody and out of your community. Please do not call the guard shack first, or your neighbors or even you closest friend.
The police department is here to serve you and your community to the best of their abilities, and this will not happen without the help of each and everyone who lives here. Please keep this in mind when you are the one who witnesses a crime in progress. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter, and God Bless.
Officer William "Billy" Walker

By Jo Waldron
Unless you?’ve been living under a rock, you already know about the national ?“Do not call?” list that will stop the telemarketer calls. Conrad Weiser, our MA research specialist, has provided me with a few details that I thought were worth passing on to you.
The phone number for Florida residents became effective on July 7th, The toll free number is 1-888-382-1222. Remember, you must call from the telephone number you want registered. You can register over the Internet at: ?“”You must have an active email address to sign-up online. You will then be sent an email for each telephone number you want to register. To complete the process you must open the email and click on the link in the email. Many of those registering have failed to take this final step and their numbers will not be included in the registry.
If you are already registered with the Florida ?“Do Not Call?” list you will automatically be transferred to the Federal listing.
Register by August 31, 2003 and you will be receiving fewer calls by October 1, 2003. If you register after September 1, 2003, telemarketers will have three months from the date you register to stop calling you.
You should register only your own phone numbers; you are allowed three, including your cell phone. Keep track of the date you register, it is effective for five years but they will not send you a notice.
You will continue to receive calls from charities, surveys and places you have done business with in the past, but other than that, it works great. There is a hefty fine imposed on those who choose to ignore the list. I have been on the Florida ?“no call?” list for a year and on the rare occasion that I do get a sales call, they are very apologetic.
A great step forward for Americans, now we can enjoy our dinner in peace.

JULY 4th, 2003 CELEBRATION ?– by Dorothy Kolb
On Friday, July 4 th, at 5.30pm, we had a very nice catered chicken dinner by ?“Church?’s?” in the Main Hall. About 76 residents attended, which proves that not everyone goes north for the summer.
Paul Mattina was the Master of Ceremonies and came dressed up as ?“Uncle Sam?”, and I must admit made a good one.
We opened with a prayer and next we had the Salute to the Flag.
Richard and Marsha Fay donated a huge birthday cake and ice cream for us all, as it was Richard?’s and his son?’s birthdays.
The entertainment was ?“Halls Angels?” with Cappy from our community and five others. The dancer kept the men?’s attention with one costume change sexier than the others.
Mary Kelm sang a song along with the band and some of the Melodears, consisting of Peg Hubrich, Kay Jones, Mary Kelm, Adele Thomas, Gladys Dunn yand myself, sang several songs. Jim Ponder, a guest of Virginia Curtis entertained us singing ?“My Blue Heaven?” twice, the latter in an up tempo beat.
Everyone enjoyed the food, the entertainment and the comradeship and no one left early. We all had a good time.

FROM CHURCH BULLETINS - Submitted by Betty Forbes
Most of us have now learned to live with voice mail as a necessary part of our lives. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if God decided to install voice mail? Imagine praying and hearing the following:
Thank you for calling heaven.
For English press 1
For Spanish press 2
For all other languages press 3
Please select one of the following options:
Press 1 for request
Press 2 for thanksgiving
Press 3 for complaints
Press 4 for all others
I am sorry, all our Angels and Saints are busy helping other sinners right now. However, your prayer is important to us and we will answer it in the order it was received. Please stay on the line.
If you would like to speak to God, Press 1
Jesus, Press 2
Holy Spirit, press 3
To find a loved one that has been assigned to heaven, press 5
Then enter his social security number followed by the pound sign. (If you receive a negative response, please hang up and dial area code 666)
For reservations to heaven, please enter JOHN 3:16
For answers to nagging questions about dinosaurs, life and other planets, please wait until you arrive in heaven for the specifics.
Our computers show that you have already been prayed for today, please hang up and call again tomorrow.
The office is now closed for the weekend to observe a religious holiday.
If you are calling after hours and need emergency assistance, please contact your local pastor.

By Nora Adell Andrews
(Billy Bookworm has been the guest columnist this summer)
Dear Reading Fans, I want to thank you for all the emails! It is fun to know how much you enjoy books and this library also!
Joan Ilkanic says, "I do read a lot. I like adventure, mysteries, and love stories. The selection is good here. I also order a lot of books and then donate them to this library." Perhaps that is one of the reasons this library has many new books, and recent best sellers! Ruth Wise, Joan's mother, says she reads and enjoys the books that her daughter chooses for her from this library.
Peggy McCall also buys and donates books to this library. She enjoys reading many of our recent arrivals. The books are always in the best of condition. Peggy said, "I am looking forward to joining the 'Friends of the Library' group this fall."
That's wonderful! I heard that they would meet November 6th at 1:00 pm.
Sorry, I will not be able to join in. I will probably be off on another adventure to another library, but email me anytime.
Until next month with some more news from readers!
Billy Bookworm

POTPOURI ?–from the Editor?’s desk (additional contributions from Gerri Bassett, Lucy LaBerge)
Thought ?– What if there were no hypothetical questions?
Word Definitions ?– Marriage, it?’s an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and a woman gains her master.
Words to Live By ?– When your ship comes in, make sure you are ready to unload it.
Things to think About ?– That half the people on the road should be pulled over by the police, the other half by psychiatrists.
Truths ?– Now is the most interesting time of all.
Profound Thoughts ?– I had amnesia once or twice. I?’d give my right arm to be ambidextrous.
Humor ?– A new soldier was on sentry duty at the main gate. Her orders were clear. No vehicle was to enter unless it had the proper sticker on the windshield. Now a huge Army car came up with a general seated in the back.
?“Halt, who goes there??” said the blonde. The chauffeur says, ?“General Wheeler.?”
?“I?’m sorry, I can?’t let you through. You?’ve got to have a sticker on the windshield.?”
The general said, ?“Drive on.?”
The sentry said, ?“Hold it! You really can?’t come through. I have orders to shoot if you try driving on without your sticker.?”
The general repeated, ?“I?’m telling you, corporal, drive on!?”
The blonde sentry walked up to the rear window and said, ?“General, I?’m new at this. Do I shoot you or the driver??”
The Reverend ?– Francis Norton woke up Sunday morning and realizing it was an exceptionally beautiful and sunny early spring day, decided he just had to play golf. So he told the Associate Pastor that he was feeling sick and convinced him to say Mass for him that day. As soon as the Associate Pastor left the room, Father Norton headed out of town to a golf course about forty miles away. This way he knew he wouldn?’t accidentally meet anyone he knew from the parish.
Setting up on the first tee, he was alone. After all it was Sunday morning and everyone else was in church! At about this time, Saint Peter leaned over to the Lord while looking down from the Heavens and exclaimed, ?“You?’re not going to let him get away with this, are you?
The Lord sighed and said, ?“No, I guess not?”.
Just then father Norton hit the ball and it shot straight towards the pin, dropping just short of it, rolled up and fell into the hole. It was a 420 yard hole in one.
St. Peter was astonished. He looked at the Lord and asked, ?“Why did you let him do that??”
The Lord smiled and replied, ?“Who?’s he going to tell??”

The 40's, 50's 60's, 70's What a Difference?
Submitted by Gerri Bassett
Most of you should appreciate this, some won't have a clue what it's all about.
Our baby cots were covered with brightly colored lead- based paint, which was promptly chewed or licked.
We had no child proof lids on medicine bottles, or latches on doors or cabinets and it was fine to play with pans.
When we rode our bikes, we wore no helmets, just flip flops and fluorescent "clackers" on our wheels.
As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags; Riding in the passenger seat was a treat.
We drank water from a garden hose and not from a bottle and it tasted the same.
We ate dripping sandwiches, bread and butter pudding/and drank fizzy pop with sugar in it, but we were never overweight because we were always outside playing.
We shared one drink with four friends, from one bottle or can, and no one actually died from this.
We would spend hours building go-carts out of scraps and then went top speed down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes.
We would leave in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back before it got dark. No one was able to reach us all day and no one minded.
We fell out of trees, got cut and broke bones and teeth, and there were no lawsuits. They were accidents. We learned not to do the same thing again.
We walked to friend's houses.
We made up games with sticks and tennis balls and had fun.
Our actions were our own. Consequences were expected. The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke a law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law. Imagine that!
This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers and problem solvers and inventors, ever. The past 50 years has been an explosion of innovation and new ideas. We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all.
And you're one of them. Congratulations!

The crafters are gathering in the clubhouse every Monday evening from 6:00-9:00 pm and on Thursday morning from 9:00-11:00 am. We keep busy all year long making great items for our own use, or to give to our family and friends. We also create items that we sell at the annual craft bazaar in November, and at our Wednesday luncheons. Wouldn't a large arts & crafts room be wonderful?!
We have many new residents in our Community.
We'll bet many of you are crafty ladies.
We'll bet many of you can already crochet or do counted cross stitch.
We'll bet many of you are working alone at home.
We'll bet many of you would enjoy meeting us, and we would love to meet you.
We'll bet many of you could teach us a thing of two.
We'll bet many of you would like to learn a new skill.
We'll bet you did not know all lessons are free and most supplies are provided.
We'll bet some of you are hesitant to come along bring a friend or two,
We know you'll love it!
We invite you to join us in the clubhouse on Monday and Thursday.
See you there!

Submitted by Joseph Michael Gerhard
I have seen very few castor bean plants in this community. My earliest knowledge of the plant was at about age 8 (circa 1935) when I used to visit a small forest of the plants on a vacant sandy lot near a dry creek. My family lived in a rented house then in the small Southwest Texas town named Beeville. (Bush 41 hunts quail there from time to time.) Most of this annual plant is hollow with respect to the trunk and the long stalks that support the very large green leaves. The stalks make good tubes for blowing bubbles, as I recall. The growth site was renewed each Spring from the sprouting of beans that fell when 20 degree temps in Jan-Feb killed the mature plants, some near 15' high at the time. A plant at the base can be 4-6 inches in diameter and the trunk begins to fill in as it ages. Very tough stuff, and one can trim a plant back severely and it quickly puts out new growth. Voila, soon more giant size leaves appear. In the sub-tropics and tropics the plants are perennials and just keep growing. The plants I have as ornamentals made it thru the frosts we had earlier this year.
In some rural areas the plant is known as the "mole plant" because folks grow them to discourage moles, especially around vegetable gardens. Many who grow them (in my experience) don't know that the beans are used to manufacture castor (ugh) oil. One variety has reddish leaves and makes a more striking ornamental. Seeds for sale are rare but can be found in places like Home Depot and Lowe's garden shops at the garden seed racks. Pricey for only five or six seeds. I'll give away all you want. They sprout easily. And, they grow very fast, similar to the papaya plants I wrote about last month. Incidentally, papaya seeds are finicky about germination, but I have about a dozen pretty well along the way to "setting out" size.
If you want to know a whole lot about castor bean plants, and can search the net, just plug in "castor bean."

Submitted by Dottie Kirby and Lucy Laberge
(Under age 40 You won't understand.)
You could hardly see for all the snow,
Spread the rabbit ears as far as they go.
Pull a chair up to the TV set,
"Good Night, David. Good Night, Chet."

Depending on the channel you tuned,
You got Rob and Laura -or Ward and June.
It felt so good. It felt so right.
Life looked better in black and white.

I Love Lucy, The Real McCoys,
Dennis the Menace, the Cleaver boys,
Rawhide, Gunsmoke, Wagon Train,
Superman, Jimmy and Lois Lane.

Father Knows Best, Patty Duke,
Rin Tin Tin and Lassie too,
Donna Reed on Thursday night! -
Life looked better in black and white.

I wanna go back to black and white.
Everything always turned out right.
Simple people -simple lives...
Good guys always won the fights.

Now nothing is the way it seems,
In living color on the TV screen.
Too many murders, too many fights,
I wanna go back to black and white.

In God they trusted, alone in bed, they slept,
A promise made was a promise kept.
They never cussed or broke their vows.
They'd never make the network now.

But if I could, I'd rather be
In a TV town in '53.
It felt so good. It felt so right.
Life looked better in black and white.

I'd trade all the channels on the satellite,
If I could just turn back the clock tonight
To when everybody knew wrong from right.
Life was better in black and white!

from Marilyn Waltz, Queen Mother
The Red Hat Chilies of Mobel Americana is a registered chapter of The Red Hat Society. We are one of 27 registered chapters in St. Petersburg. Our goal is to just have fun with no rules.
The chapter had its' first meeting with 27 ladies present on April 4, 2003. I am happy to report that as of July 9, 2003, we are 60 members strong and growing.
Each member gets to choose her special chapter name. Our dress is traditional regalia of purple outfit and red hat. Lady Keyboard/Claire Mosakowski wrote a fun theme song and we have sung it in public where it was greatly received. We have attended luncheons and High Tea, what a pretty sight - all that purple and red.
We are quietly preparing for a busy fall and winter. The 2nd Annual Florida State Funvention, Radisson River Walk, Tampa, scheduled for November 14-15-16. A matinee of the Christmas Show at the Show Palace in Hudson scheduled for December 6th. And would you believe, a luncheon and fashion show sponsored by our chapter is scheduled for January 17, 2004. Quite a busy schedule for such a young chapter. For info on any of the above, please feel free to call 727 512-4654.
I invite you to join this special society of Red Hat ladies who know how to have fun.

Submitted by Hubert Dorsett
Artists from the 60's are re-releasing some of their hits with new lyrics (original titles below)
1) Herman's Hermits - "Mrs. Brown, You've Got A Lovely Walker"
2) The Bee Gees - "How Can You Mend A Broken Hip?"
3) The Temptations - "Papa's Got A Kidney Stone"
4) Ringo Starr - "I Get By With A Little Help From Depends"
5) Marvin Gaye - "I Heard It Through The Grape Nuts"
6) Procol Harum - "A Whiter Shade Of Hair"
7) Johnny Nash - "I Can't See Clearly Now"
8) Leo Sayer - "You Make Me Feel Like Napping"
9) ABBA - "Denture Queen"
10) Paul Simon - "Fifty Ways To Lose Your Liver"
11) Roberta Flack - "The First Time Ever I Forgot Your Face"
12) Commodores - "Once, Twice, Three Times The Bathroom"
13) Rolling Stones - "You Can't Always Pee When You Want"
14) Bobby Darin - "Splish, Splash, I Was Havin' A Flash"

(The original recording titles)
1) Mrs. Brown, You've got a lovely daughter.
2) How can you mend a broken heart.
3) Papa's got a brand new bag.
4) I get by with a little help from my
5) I heard it through the grapevine.
6) A whiter shade of pale.
7) I can see clearly now.
8) You make me feel like dancing.
9) Dancing queen.
10) Fifty ways to lose your lover.
11) The first time ever I saw your face.
12) Once, twice, three times a lady.
13) You can't always get what you want.
14) Splish, splash, I was takin?’ a bath.

COMMENT ?– by John Bassett
Busybodies, Noseybodies and Mischief makers
Well it seems that there are always some people who fall into one or more of these classifications. You know busybodies are always commenting ?–gossiping- about someone else and how they should run their business.
And noseybodies, well they just come right out and ask you why you didn?’t do it this way, or why aren?’t your children here to look after you, or why aren?’t you going to live with your children, or whatever.
And then we have the mischief makers who can take two or three words they ?‘accidentally?’ overhear in a conversation and make a complete story out of it, which never has any resemblance to the facts. But why should that stop them.
Yes folks we have all of these people right here in our community. You know the Board is forever trying to put out fires started by these kinds. And anyone in authority is forever trying to put to rest unfounded rumors. Why am I not mentioning some of these wild and woolly stories? Because if I did someone would almost certainly say, well, there?’s some smoke so there must be a fire.
And then we have some residents whose partner has gone to the happy hunting grounds, and invariably someone will try to tell the survivor, well you should do this, or you should live there, or don?’t live alone or, or. Well you get the idea.
And you know the best part. If there is a legitimate complaint or problem they never go to anyone who can do anything about it. No, it?’s gossip fodder. Heavens, if the complaint was made, it might get taken care of, and then what would they have to talk about. No, the best part about this whole thing is, it?’s something to talk about. And maybe that?’s not always bad. But the problem is that the target of these ?‘bodies?’ can be very hurt when they hear these comments, and trust me, someone will always let the cat out of the bag.
So folks, most of you are pretty nice people, because that?’s who we are in Mobel Americana. Just remember that your gossip could be hurtful, and really offend someone, even though it?’s not intended.
The old saying that if you can?’t say something good about someone, don?’t say anything always holds true.

There is located at the maintenance shed on Mount Piney Avenue an air pump which you may use to inflate your bicycle tires.

Newspapers and Magazine Recycling
All newspapers are to be placed in the newspaper bins. Please do not put brown paper or plastic bags in the newspaper bins. The bins are only for newspapers.

A magazine bin is located at the storage compound on Americana Drive. Please take all your magazines to this bin.

Aluminum Cans/Can Tops and Scrap Metal
Please put these out on Tuesdays only, or late Monday evening for very early Tuesday pick-up, or take to one of the Oldtimers Aluminum sheds. Do not put in the garbage compactor. It is for household garbage only. As the sale of aluminum contributes money to our social activities, please take the effort to segregate the cans from the regular trash. Aluminum can tops/tabs can be placed in a container in the clubhouse.
Yard Brush and Tree Trimmings
Place all yard brush and tree trimmings at the side of the road separate from the garbage for Monday morning pick-up and it will be collected. Place it in trash bags or plastic containers.
Do not put it with the regular garbage. This only increases the amount we must pay to have it hauled away.
Dumpster ?– The dumpster at the Mount Piney location is for the use of residents who have scrap materials from work that they themselves have done. Contractors doing renovations or repairs to your property are to remove any such materials from the community and dispose of it at their cost.

Help the Park ?– Place your old phone books in the dumpster at the Mount Piney location. Do not place them in with the regular trash.

Kitchen Krewe - Ice Machines ?– To all residents and guests. Do not use ice from the kitchen supply for your personal home use. Use ice from the ice machine in the Mt. Piney Avenue laundry. Ice in the kitchen is required for activities in the Hall and Atrium. Traffic through the kitchen area creates sanitary problems.
Betty Chase ?–Kitchen Manager

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