With the unexpected shortage of flu vaccine you can do the following to help prevent the spread of the flu!

AVOID CLOSE CONTACT with people that are sick! If your sick stay away from other people to protect them.

STAY HOME WHEN YOUR SICK if you are feeling ill stay home from work, school and curtail running errands in order to protect others from the flu.

PROPER NUTRITION getting proper sleep, eating heatlhy and exercise is important to staying healthy.

COVER YOUR MOUTH don't sneeze or cough without covering your mouth and nose with a clean tissue. This will help protect others. Teach children to not sneeze in hands but inside their arm will help keep hands cleaner and stop the spread of germs.

WASH YOUR HANDS you cannot wash your hands to much. Keep anti-bacterial wipes in your purses or lotions. Think of all the germs on surfaces suchs as phones, keyboards, excercise equipment at gyms and even shopping carts.

AVOID TOUCHING YOUR FACE, EYES, NOSE OR MOUTH this will help you not spread germs to yourself or others.

Flu Clinics for those at risk elderly, children 6-23 months and those with chronic medical conditions are still being held. Mecklenburg County Health Department Clinic Hotline 704-336-4667!