Madison Park

Minutes for the September 8th, 2003 Association Meeting

Oct 07, 2003

Minutes for the September 8, 2003 Madison Park Neighborhood Association Meeting
> President Ted Peters called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm
> 22 members were present
> Ted turned the meeting over to Officer Patrick Hairston CMPD who did not
> have crime reports due to computer problems at the station. Officer
> Hairston from Adam 2 [now the Westover Division] said he had driven
> around the neighborhood with an inspector (Charles Hodges) from city code
> enforcement and cited a couple of residents for high grass. A first time
> attendee then asked if she should have reported to the police that her
> car radio/stereo was stolen. Officer Hairston said yes it should have
> been reported. [It is all right to call 911. Just state that it is a
> non-emergency call.] He noted that it really helps if the police can
> detect a pattern to the type of crimes being committed in a given area.
> Next Officer J.D. Russell CMPD Baker 2 gave his report on 5 car vehicle
> item thefts in the Baker 2 side of Madison Park. Two of the thefts were
> on Farmbrook Road and 1 on Londonderry Rd. He said that owners of the
> vehicles are having music cds, car stereos, lap top computers,
> pocketbooks, and even car parts stolen. He then noted that some
> criminals from University Area were caught breaking in cars recently
> after a citizen called police after seeing the thieves in action at 2:00
> am. The officer noted that it was rare to catch this type of criminal.
> He warned the neighborhood not to leave valuables in your vehicles and to
> keep your doors locked. Officer Russell also noted that some vehicles
> were being stolen: certain make Hondas, Nissans as well as other
> specific vehicles. He suggested that alarms be used to protect your
> vehicle or one could use a more visible means of deterrent; namely, "the
> club." Most of these crimes occur during the 3rd shift, which is the
> overnight shift.
> Officers Russell and Hairston stressed again that neighbors should watch
> out for each other by picking up mail & newspapers when neighbors go out
> of town. Officer Russell was asked about the recent Sunday evening
> robbery of the Taco Bell on South Blvd that resulted in a patron being
> hit over the head with a hammer. The officer said the robbery division
> was investigating and he had no new information on that case. He did
> mention that robbers had targeted the Pizza Hut on South Blvd several
> times and that the officers had conducted a safety check of the premises
> and operations. One member then asked if criminals on foot or in
> vehicles perpetrated the car break-ins. Both were possible methods
> according to Officer Russell. He stated that any suspicious people or
> vehicles should be reported at once to 911. The officer urged citizens
> to get as much of a description as possible and said it could help with a
> probable cause stop of an auto. For example, based on clothing
> description and/or a vehicle description the police could initiate a
> stop. A member on Ebb Place suggested that neighbors look out their
> windows during the night when getting up for food or drink to make sure
> the area is safe.
> Sergeant Bowling, Baker 2, then spoke and said that education will lead
> to prevention. He said criminals are looking for opportunity and citizens
> must reduce the opportunity. He again stressed to call 911 and give as
> much information as possible and to let the 911 operator know the police
> can call you back at night if they need more information. Ted Peters
> then invited the officers to the picnic. Officer Russell then
> distributed more of the police handbooks "C-MPD Safety Guide" for
> neighbors.
> Ted Peters then nominated Scott Andrew to fill the position of
> Vice President of the Association that had been vacant for 8 months.
> Scott stood and gave some background on living in Charlotte for 23 years
> and that he has lived in Madison Park for the last 14 years. Scott spoke
> about his concerns with some neighbor's yards and keeping the
> neighborhood looking its best. He stated that on Ebb place the neighbors
> got together and with 80% requesting got street lamps put up for free by
> the city. He did note that there is about a 9 months waiting list for
> lamps by the city. Kevin Geyer wanted to know if the matching grants was
> used and was told, "No, streetlights come from a different program."
> Scott said that fancy lighting fixtures were available upon request but
> that that would cost the residents. It was noted by another member that
> Duke Power would install lights on property for a monthly fee. After
> Scott spoke, member Kevin Geyer gave a second to Ted's nomination that
> Scott Andrew be elected the new Vice President of Madison Park. The vote
> was favorable and unanimous, and followed by applause.
> Ted mentioned then that he was working on support for keeping the website
> current.
> Ted then asked if anyone was present form the subcommittee for Queens
> University Sports Complex. No one from the committee was present.
> Ted then discussed the Welcoming Letter to Pamela Lewis the President of
> Queens University dated 8/24/03 that all on the board of Madison Park HOA
> had signed. The letter dealt with the board's request to have the name
> of Madison Park incorporated in the signs for the complex. The letter
> also extended an invitation to Mrs. Lewis to attend the picnic coming up
> on the 21st.
> Ted discussed the traffic striping on Senaca Place after polling the
> members present if anyone had contacted the city's DOT engineering
> department for an update since the last meeting of the association.
> Martin Doss noted that he had spoken to city workers doing the striping
> and that he was told there would be no marking of the parking lanes. Ted
> noted that where the curbs are rounded this counts as an additional 1
> foot of the width of the parking lanes. The information Ted got from the
> city's bicycle route coordinator was that the traffic lanes would be 10
> feet, car-parking lanes 7 feet, with the bike lanes 4 feet wide. The
> design of the bike lanes was to facilitate traffic flow toward the light
> rail lines in the future. The finished striping will consist of bike
> logos in the bike lanes. Ted noted safety concerns with the parking lane
> next to the bike lanes and was told by the city that the bikers must be
> aware of forward biking situations by looking ahead through the side-view
> mirrors of cars for drivers. A member then suggested that riders should
> ride on sidewalks and another member stated this was illegal in our city.
> Ted Peters noted that the apparent confinement of the lanes suggests
> (to city engineers) that this should cause drivers to slow down on the
> road because of the illusion of space confinements. Another member noted
> that this was the reasoning behind the round a bouts that the city has
> installed on roads such as Park Road. Another member then wanted to know
> if Wedgewood would be similarly striped (noting that the section between
> Seneca Place and Tyvola Road is of a width similar to Seneca Place).
> While such a possibility exists, another member noted that such an action
> by DOT would not occur until that section of Wedgewood is scheduled for
> resurfacing.
> Ted then turned the members' attentions to the construction at the
> Pinewood Elementary
> School noting that the school engineering ran into a problem with
> encroachment with the water runoff basin running into a neighbor's
> property.
> Ted then gave an update on problem houses. 5201 Londonderry Road at the
> corner of Tyvola and Londonderry is a concern of the neighborhood because
> of stagnant water from a health standpoint. Ted Peters is working with
> the neighbor on our concerns. The main problem is with the aboveground
> pool being partially collapsed and trees growing out of it. Another
> neighbor stated that a home at Seneca Place and Glenham had very high
> grass and wanted to know if she should call the city to complain. Ted
> Peters told her the association would look into the problem. Martin Doss
> then noted that Officer Hairston might have already addressed the
> property in question since he had noted in his opening that he had driven
> around the neighborhood with the city inspector and addressed some of the
> over-grown yards in the Adam 2 section of Madison Park.
> Ted then noted that we should have the long awaited Yard Signs to
> announce the monthly meetings by the picnic and that we would distribute
> the 10 yards signs at the picnic.
> Kevin Geyer then gave a report on the Matching Grants Program sponsored
> by the City of Charlotte for Neighborhoods. Kevin had attended an August
> meeting at the courthouse on the program. The grant programs pay or help
> with things like signs for neighborhoods. The program started in 1993.
> There have been more than 300 projects with 2.3 million dollars invested.
> There are 3 grant cycles per year -- with the next cycle cut-off in just
> a few days. Grants are given up to $25,000. A sample of projects
> included park improvements in the Lakewood Community. Another example
> was Boy Scout uniforms for the Greer Heights community as well as funding
> for after school programs.
> Next Ted gave the Treasurer Report, which Dee McCandlish had phoned in,
> to him. The balance is $633.18 and all bills are paid. Dee was not
> present.
> Ted Peters then wanted to know if anyone had their crime watch street
> list and Scott Andrew the newly elected Vice President said he had his
> list. Candace Armstrong who is working on the project was not present.
> Ted then brought up the Yellow Ribbon campaign and asked how members
> thought that program were going. One member said she did not know what
> the ribbons were for; but figured they must be for the war or troops.
> Ted noted the ribbons (as the resolution of the HOA was verbally restated
> before taking the vote at the August meeting) were to show support for
> out troops. One member noted that she had not seen to many ribbons. Ted
> noted ribbon was available after the meeting and would be provided for
> residents that requested it at the picnic. Ted mentioned again the
> suggestion that perhaps a few members should make up some ribbons for
> neighbors that wanted them. Martin Doss suggested that the next email
> distribution from the HOA mention that if anyone would like ribbons
> please email the board back and we would see that they got a ribbon put
> up.
> Then a member from Londonderry Rd said she had a concern with the Queens
> University proposal after attending the lunchtime meeting of the county
> board of commissioners at the Marion Diehl Senior Center last month. She
> wanted to know whom or where to get her questions or concerns addressed.
> She felt after attending the meeting at the Senior Center in August that
> some of her concerns such as environmental concerns and pollution from
> lights were not addressed. A member noted then that Wayne Weston, the
> Director of Parks and Recreation for the county, could be contacted
> directly with concerns. The member pointed out that Wayne would be
> involved with any contracts and details pertaining to the University's
> proposed use of Marion Diehl Park, and perhaps he would be able to
> address her concerns with the projects. Ted said he would provide the
> member with a copy of the Welcoming Letter from the association's board
> to Queens University President Pamela Lewis.
> Ted then gave an example about community input, or, more accurately, the
> lack of an opportunity to give community input, with the Pinewood
> Elementary School building. Stating that such things as the type of roof
> for the school should be an important instance for specific community
> input because it will become part of the neighborhood, permanently.
> [Note: the Sedgefield community has to live with Sedgefield Elementary
> School's metal roof for the next 40 (?) years.]
> Alan Beaver, General Manager of Park & Recreation Department for the
> South Park District said that although he could not speak for the
> director he would note that there would be about a year of environmental
> studies and permits before ground breaking at Marion Diehl could begin.
> He noted that Queens had not yet raised any money for the project and it
> would be years before the project was completed. Alan Beaver noted that
> Parks and Recreation would try and attend all monthly Madison Park
> meetings. Alan stated when he could not attend the meetings he would
> have someone attend on his behalf. Parks and Rec. will have contracts
> and documents available for neighbors to see as the project develops.
> Member Byron Brogan stated that Wayne Weston had been very good about
> communicating with him and returning phone calls.
> Susan Burgess who was on City Council 2 years ago as Mayor Pro Tem was
> attending the meeting and noted she is running for City Council and would
> be available to hear any concerns after the meeting. Ted Peters thanked
> her for attending and made her an honorary member of the neighborhood for
> the duration of the meeting.
> Pat Griffin a neighbor from Murray Hill road was the association's newest
> member. She found out about the meeting after getting a neighborhood
> watch sign regarding sidewalks on Murray Hill that was not from the
> association or any of its members. It was noted that the info in the
> flier she had received was not accurate. Sidewalks are planned for
> Murray Hill on the odd numbering side eventually. There was no other
> discussion or concerns noted by those in attendance.
> The website was mentioned by Ted Peters and a member suggested the
> importance of the website at Neighborhood link. The board hopes to have
> a couple of people assigned to help keep the information current on the
> website.
> The meeting's attention then turned to the Picnic on Sunday Sept. 21st
> from 3 - 5pm. The menu will be Pot Luck. The Fire Fighters and the
> Police will be invited to the picnic. Ted Peters noted last year some
> politicians attended the meeting and invited Susan Burgess to attend
> noting the primary election was just two days after the picnic. Members
> are to invite their neighbors to attend the picnic. All neighbors are
> requested to prepare and bring two of their special recipes for the
> picnic. Suggestions Casseroles, beans, meats, chicken, ham, potato salads
> desserts and so forth. The Association will provide, cups, ice, drinks,
> silverware, paper goods and watermelons. One member said she would check
> with the two Chicken Fast Food restaurants to see if she could get
> donations of chicken. Ted noted that last year Toppers Pizza on South
> Blvd donated Pizza. Members noted last year that there were door prizes.
> Martin Doss noted that Candace Armstrong had worked hard on getting
> those door prizes and Ted noted that Candace was busy with the
> Neighborhood Watch program. Ted said that perhaps there would be a
> couple of door prizes. The food will be served close to 3 in order to
> keep the hot dishes warm. Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs
> or blankets to sit on.
> Ted Peters adjourned the meeting.

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