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It is likely that League of Legends season 11 will start on January 8, 2021. Although it's not officially announced yet the client has the date of the start as the final event of the preseason. There are only three weeks until the 11th season starts and everyone will be back in the grind of ranked play, so it's important to talk about the changes to come during the next season. Navigate to this website to find out additional hints about LoL. Let's go over everything You Should Know About League Of Legends Season 11 Before you begin your Ranked LoL Season 11: Changes to the Ranked System Before we go into strategy and mentality we'll first take a look at the new rank system. Riot Games have made some tweaks to the League of Legends system. While not as significant as a dynamic queue it's an improvement. This is the first major change, and everyone is thrilled about the news. Riot has eliminated promotion series that were played between divisions. It is no longer necessary to play a best 3 series when you have reached 100 LP in gold 4. Instead, the remaining LP will be transferred to the next division. You can learn more When the LoL Season 11 Starts on If you earn 25 points for 95 LP, and Gold 4, you'll be 20 LP with gold 3. It's awful to get 99 LP, only to end up playing a match with just one LP. It's more beneficial and allows players to know their MMR. There's a massive gap between real ranking and the MMR. Some players are able to dodge any promo series and raise their MMR while increasing in rank. Riot will reset the people who were placed last season in the rankings. If you were high platinum this year, you'll likely start placements in low-platinum instead of gold. This means that you'll play less games required to get back to your desired ranked. You won't have to play as many games if you're at the same level as before. It would have been nice to hear this before the season ended since your final rank is more important now. Diamond Changes This ranking change only applies to players who finish the season with diamonds. League of Legends Season 10 allows you to play one game every 30 days, and not become the diamond king. In season 11 diamond will be using the same system that master players and players use that includes active days. In this new system, each game that you play will source 7 active days, up to 28. To cap your active days, you'll need to play 4 ranked games. Find out more on When the LoL Season 11 Starts. If players are looking to make it to the top of the season, they will be required to play four times every month. It's easy to be demoted out of a rank which means it's more difficult for players to keep their Elo. This is a fantastic modification that makes diamond feeling more like a mark of achievement.

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Registered: 09/26/2021
Last login: 09/26/2021
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