Hillview Rd New Subdivision Proposed

Posted in: Eagle Cliff

Hi, Hillview Rd is just down from Eagle Cliff on 285, and we share the same aquifer from which our wells supply our homes.


A new subdivision is proposed.  Below is the fact sheet identifying our concerns, some of which you may share particularly related to water which connects us all as we all draw from the same fractured bedrock aquifer that may already be experiencing water level declines based on a few different datapoints in the area.


If you have any concerns, comments are due to the County as shown below by MONDAY October 28, 2019.


Badrena Property at 8838 Hillview Road (Esperanza Ranch)
Proposed Subdivision for Three Single Family Detached Units


Dear Neighbors,

You may have recently received a postcard from Jeffco regarding a proposed subdivision application filed for the Badrena’s property, known as Esperanza Ranch.


The Badrenas (the Applicant) propose to subdivide their property to create two 5 acre lots in addition to the remainder.

DEADLINE FOR COMMENTS:  You must file any written comments and concerns about the proposed subdivision by Monday, October 28, 2019, to the Jeffco Case Manager, Ross Klopf, by email to rklopf@jeffco.us.



CONCERNS:  We want to share some of our concerns about this proposed subdivision as they also may be of concern to you:



Water Supply

  • The water supply for all of us in this area is provided by wells that are drilled in the fractured bedrock aquifer. We all share in the same, single source water supply. Think of it this way - each well is another straw in the same glass of water.
  • It is not evident that the County or the State has evaluated current water use and what the impact is or could be on all current users of this water supply if there is increased water usage by an increased number of residents or increased water use by any current residents.
  • There are two vacant land parcels for sale on upper Hillview, which means 2 more wells. With the subdivision, another 2 wells. This means there will be an additional 4 wells pumping from our aquifer.  
  • If the demand on the aquifer is underestimated and additional, unrestricted development is allowed, all of our wells, which represents our sole water supply, may be endangered. End result, some of our wells could run dry and/or the rate of water flow from our wells could be negatively impacted, and possibly already are. 
  • For any of us who have shallow wells, there is a higher likelihood that we may have to drill new, deeper wells in order to reach a deeper aquifer water level to supply our homes. The Colorado State Engineer’s Office will not assist us with the cost of drilling a new well, which is an expensive endeavor (tens of thousands of dollars). That burden is entirely ours. As a result, responsible water use protects us all.



Fire Danger

  • The Colorado State Forest Service has delineated areas of increasing wildfire risk. The subdivision will result in new homes being built within a wildfire risk area that is rated as high, with high to highest burn intensity. You can see for yourself that we live in a dangerous wildfire area by going to https://co-pub.coloradoforestatlas.org.
  • Because this wildfire risk is known to those of us currently living in this area, we question whether it is appropriate to transfer that vulnerability to additional, future homeowners and to increase the risk of danger to our firefighters who defend us. 
  • No matter the alleged adequacy of firefighting equipment, or proximity to the Intercanyon Fire station, fighting a fire in this difficult terrain should be considered. If a fire does occur, it will be fed by large, old growth timber at the Esperanza Ranch subdivision and burn at the highest intensity. Who would consider the risk to our firefighters worth it?



Increased Traffic on Hillview Road

  • In 2006, vehicles passed our houses on Hillview about 10 to 14 times each day. Recently, the number of times vehicles passing our house has increased an estimated 3x or more. Traffic has significantly increased, in part, due to multiple short-term renters and other renters, workers going to businesses run out of homes, couriers, deliveries, etc.
  • Drivers commonly are not travelling at safe speeds. Because of the increased traffic and dangerous driving, it is no longer safe for our kids to play on or nearby the road. Wildlife and residents’ pets have been injured or killed. Last year, Div. of Wildlife had to put a fawn down after it was found dragging itself by its front legs, as both back legs had been broken when it got hit by a vehicle. 
  • If the Badrena subdivision is approved, traffic will become worse -- not only while the new homes are being built but afterwards with the new residents. The proposal estimates 3 people per home, but who really knows how many people will be living in each home and travelling through our neighborhood?
  • In addition, there currently are 2 additional lots for sale up the road that claim access down Hillview. And, might there be even more development in our future?


You can go here for more information and to access documents related to the proposed subdivision https://permitsearch.jeffco.us/amandaItoI/PublicDocs/Preliminary-Final%20Plat/19-104466PF%208838%20Hillview%20Road/


Thank you. 



Your neighbors

Nancy A. Strelau, 8938 Hillview, AND Barbara Ford and Richard Dechant, 8898 Hillview (303) 718-6423

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